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Class Report

Skillbook Wallet Mistakes


These are the NPC seeded prices for all skillbooks whose cost EVE University will reimburse through The Skillbook Program. Skillbooks that do not appear on this list will not be reimbursed. NPC prices will be reimbursed regardless of paying more or less in trade hubs.

Warning! These prices are a snapshot in time, and actual NPC value in game should be used for reimbursement purposes.

Last updated: October 2013

Skillbook Seeded Price Hangar Market
Acceleration Control 40,000 Alpha EC
Advanced Target Management 500,000 Theta EC
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 500,000 Theta EC
Afterburner 22,500 Alpha EC
Amarr Cruiser 500,000 Theta EC
Amarr Destroyer 100,000 Alpha EC
Amarr Frigate 40,000 Alpha EC
Amarr Industrial 300,000 Alpha EC
Anchoring 75,000 Alpha EC
Archaeology 100,000 Alpha EC
Arkonor Processing 375,000 Alpha EC
Armor Layering 1,000,000 Psi EC
Armor Rigging 100,000 Alpha EC
Armored Warfare 100,000 Alpha EC
Armored Warfare Specialist 400,000 Theta EC
Light Missiles 100,000
Astrogeology 450,000
Astrometric Acquisition 450,000
Astrometric Pinpointing 450,000
Astrometric Rangefinding 450,000
Astrometrics 450,000
Astronautics Rigging 20,000
Auto-Targeting Missiles 25,000
Amarr Battlecruiser 1,000,000
Biology 25,000
Bistot Processing 350,000
Broker Relations 100,000
Caldari Battlecruiser 1,000,000
Caldari Cruiser 500,000
Caldari Destroyer 100,000
Caldari Frigate 40,000
Caldari Industrial 300,000
Capacitor Emission Systems 67,500
Capacitor Management 153,000
Capacitor Systems Operation 36,000
Combat Drone Operation 50,000
Command Center Upgrades 500,000
Connections 200,000
Contracting 150,000
Controlled Bursts 70,000
Corporation Contracting 150,000
Corporation Management 20,000
CPU Management 20,000
Criminal Connections 200,000
Crokite Processing 325,000
Cruise Missiles 350,000
Cruiser Construction 1,000,000
Cybernetics 75,000
Dark Ochre Processing 275,000
Deep Core Mining 500,000
Defender Missiles 30,000
Diplomacy 180,000
Diplomatic Relations 40,000
Drone Durability 50,000
Drone Interfacing 500,000
Drone Navigation 100,000
Drone Sharpshooting 150,000
Drones 20,000
Drones Rigging 100,000
EM Armor Compensation 120,000
EM Shield Compensation 120,000
Electronic Superiority Rigging 100,000
Electronic Warfare 120,000
Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing 400,000
Electronics Upgrades 100,000
Energy Grid Upgrades 71,100
Energy Pulse Weapons 117,000
Energy Weapon Rigging 90,000
Evasive Maneuvering 22,500
Explosive Armor Compensation 108,000
Explosive Shield Compensation 108,000
Fast Talk 90,000
Frequency Modulation 144,000
Frigate Construction 72,000
Fuel Conservation 27,000
Gallente Battlecruiser 1,000,000
Gallente Cruiser 450,000
Gallente Destroyer 100,000
Gallente Frigate 36,000
Gallente Industrial 270,000
Gneiss Processing 225,000
Gravimetric Sensor Compensation 180,000
Guided Missile Precision 450,000
Gunnery 18,000
Hacking 900,000
Heavy Assault Missiles 90,000
Heavy Drone Operation 342,000
Heavy Missiles 90,000
Hedbergite Processing 202,500
Hemorphite Processing 180,000
High Speed Maneuvering 306,000
Hull Upgrades 54,000
Hybrid Weapon Rigging 90,000
Ice Harvesting 337,500
Ice Processing 360,000
Industry 18,000
Infomorph Psychology 1,000,000
Information Warfare 90,000
Information Warfare Specialist 360,000
Interceptors 900,000
Interplanetary Consolidation 450,000
Jaspet Processing 157,500
Jury Rigging 54,000
Kernite Processing 135,000
Kinetic Armor Compensation 108,000
Kinetic Shield Compensation 108,000
Laboratory Operation 270,000
Ladar Sensor Compensation 180,000
Launcher Rigging 90,000
Leadership 18,000
Light Missile Specialization 900,000
Light Missiles 18,000
Long Distance Jamming 180,000
Long Range Targeting 79,200
Magnetometric Sensor Compensation 180,000
Mass Production 135,000
Mechanic 18,000
Medium Energy Turret 90,000
Medium Hybrid Turret 90,000
Medium Projectile Turret 90,000
Megacorp Management 360,000
Mercoxit Processing 360,000
Metallurgy 315,000
Mining 18,000
Mining Barge 450,000
Mining Director 360,000
Mining Drone Operation 36,000
Mining Foreman 75,000
Mining Upgrades 72,000
Minmatar Battlecruiser 1,000,000
Minmatar Cruiser 450,000
Minmatar Destroyer 100,000
Minmatar Frigate 36,000
Minmatar Industrial 270,000
Missile Bombardment 72,000
Missile Launcher Operation 18,000
Missile Projection 90,000
Motion Prediction 54,000
Nanite Operation 900,000
Navigation 18,000
Negotiation 54,000
Neurotoxin Control 900,000
Neurotoxin Recovery 22,500
Omber Processing 112,500
Plagioclase Processing 67,500
Planetology 1,000,000
Power Grid Management 18,000
Production Efficiency 225,000
Projectile Weapon Rigging 90,000
Propulsion Jamming 135,000
Pyroxeres Processing 90,000
Radar Sensor Compensation 180,000
Rapid Firing 36,000
Rapid Launch 36,000
Refinery Efficiency 252,000
Refining 45,000
Remote Armor Repair Systems 76,500
Remote Hull Repair Systems 90,000
Remote Sensing 250,000
Repair Drone Operation 180,000
Repair Systems 27,000
Research 300,000
Retail 90,000
Rocket Specialization 900,000
Rockets 9,000
Salvage Drone Operation 220,000
Salvaging 900,000
Science 18,000
Scordite Processing 45,000
Scout Drone Operation 36,000
Scrapmetal Processing 270,000
Sensor Linking 90,000
Sentry Drone Interfacing 405,000
Sharpshooter 72,000
Shield Compensation 108,000
Shield Emission Systems 72,000
Shield Management 153,000
Shield Operation 31,500
Shield Rigging 90,000
Shield Upgrades 75,600
Siege Warfare 90,000
Siege Warfare Specialist 360,000
Signal Dispersion 900,000
Signal Suppression 720,000
Signature Analysis 67,500
Signature Focusing 540,000
Skirmish Warfare 67,500
Skirmish Warfare Specialist 360,000
Small Artillery Specialization 900,000
Small Autocannon Specialization 900,000
Small Beam Laser Specialization 900,000
Small Blaster Specialization 900,000
Small Energy Turret 18,000
Small Hybrid Turret 18,000
Small Projectile Turret 18,000
Small Pulse Laser Specialization 900,000
Small Railgun Specialization 900,000
Social 18,000
Spaceship Command 18,000
Spodumain Processing 270,000
Starbase Defense Management 900,000
Surgical Strike 900,000
Survey 32,400
Tactical Shield Manipulation 189,000
Target Navigation Prediction 54,000
Target Painting 81,000
Target Management 90,000
Thermic Armor Compensation 108,000
Thermic Shield Compensation 108,000
Torpedoes 360,000
Trade 18,000
Trajectory Analysis 90,000
Turret Destabilization 360,000
Veldspar Processing 22,500
Warhead Upgrades 900,000
Warp Drive Operation 27,000
Weapon Disruption 72,000
Weapon Upgrades 72,000

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