Managing Your Assets

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Revision as of 05:22, 7 November 2013 by Lelira cirim (talk | contribs) (Proper categories)
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Notice: Like so many UI elements in EVE, you may experience inconsistencies from what is described here. This page was last updated under Odyssey 1.1.

One of the most significant parts of playing EVE, no matter your chosen profession, is managing your assets. The Assets window is a crucial tool for keeping track of all of your collected ships and items across the galaxy, and the Inventory window will allow you to view any items within a particular station hangar, or the ship you are currently flying. Because of the huge potential amount of data in the Assets window, it is not updated in real time like the Inventory window is, and there is a built in delay of a few minutes before it is refreshed.

API Access

Third party applications with access to AssetList can retrieve and search all of your possessions, including inside containers and ships.

In order to view assets located in Corporation Hangars or Market Orders (see below), a separate Corporation API key type is required.


The Assets window does not show or search inside the contents of ships or other containers. In order to view inside them, right click and Show Contents. A smaller UI window will pop up with a simplified list. When viewing the contents of ships, the list will include fitted modules as well as cargo.

The Inventory Window


The left sidebar contextually (if applicable) displays the following category "trees" in order. Nested trees are expandable if there is a foldout arrow on the left side of the list.

  • ▼ Active Ship
    • Active Ship Bays
    • Active Ship Assembled Containers
  • ▼ Station Ship Hangar
    • ▼ Docked Assembled Ships
      • Docked Ship Bays
      • Docked Ship Assembled Containers
  • ▼ Station Personal Hangar
    • Assembled Containers
  • ▼ Station Corporation Hangar (if in a player corporation, with an active rented office)
    • ▼ Hangar Divisions
      • Assembled Containers
  • Market Orders (if in a player corporation, with you having appropriate market roles)


Inventory and Assets can be viewed in three ways. Icons, List, and Details. Icons is a visual layout that is effective in wide windows, as the items will display from left to right, top to bottom. If you recognise items primarily by their icon, this can be a quick way to glance at your holdings. Icons also have visual cue badges for fitting slots, tech level, and item types. List is a compact table layout that includes a small icon and several descriptive category columns. Details is a very compact table layout with no icon, except for a small badge that indicates tech levels of 2 and above.


Two categories are hidden by default: Meta Level, and Category. Right click on the column headings in order to Show these columns if desired, then you can also sort by them.

The Asset Window


  • All - Everything you own in the universe.
  • Region - A quick contextual filter for assets in your current region.
  • Solar System - A quick contextual filter for assets in your current solar system.
  • Search - A contextual list of items based on queries. Clicking the Search button with an empty query field will (should!) force the asset list to refresh immediately. This is common after making a market purchase to confirm the item's location.

Basic Search

  • "Navy" will return all named items such as Caracal Navy Issue, Navy Cap Booster 150, etc.
  • "Ship" will return all category items classified as a Ship.

Advanced Search

The Search tab has functionality that differs from most other modal UI windows in the game. The search field has predictive autocomplete features, ala Google Instant, which hint at ways to customise your search. When you have personal or corporation assets numbering in the hundreds, or thousands, this feature quickly becomes indispensable.

Parameters include:

  • group:
  • meta:
  • region:

(in progress)