NPC corporations

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With the large number of NPC corporations in the game, it is difficult to know what benefits standings with each corporation provides. Some NPC corporations are simply better than others, and blindly grinding standings will not maximize your benefit.

Epic Arcs

Each faction has one corporation whose standings will allow you to run their faction epic arc. These are probably the best corporations to start improving standings with, since the epic arcs will help improve your entire faction standings.

Faction Corporation Arc
Amarr Ministry of Internal Order Right to Rule
Caldari Expert Distribution Penumbra
Gallente Impetus Syndication
Minmatar Brutor Tribe Wildfire

Pirate Factions

The pirate faction arcs can be done if your standing is 4.5 or higher with any of the following factions or corporations.

Faction Corporation Arc
Amarr Amarr Imperial Navy Angel Sound
Minmatar Republic Security Services Angel Sound
Angel Cartel Dominations Angel Sound
Caldari Ytiri Smash and Grab
Gallente Federal Intelligence Office Smash and Grab
Guristas Guristas Smash and Grab

Trade Hubs

If you have high standings with the corporation that owns a major trade hub, you will pay lower fees in that trade hub.

Trade Hub Faction Corporation
Amarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy Amarr Emperor Family
Tash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory Amarr Emperor Family
Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant Caldari Caldari Navy
Motsu VII - Moon 6 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support Caldari Caldari Navy
Dodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant Gallente Federation Navy
Oursulaert III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities Gallente Federation Navy
Rens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury Minmatar Brutor Tribe
Hek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory Minmatar Boundless Creation


Doing research with a corporation requires 5.0 or higher standing. These corporations are the ones that offer research agents.

Faction Corporation
Amarr Carthum Conglomerate
Amarr Viziam
Caldari Lai Dai Corporation
Caldari Ishukone Corporation
Caldari Kaalakiota Corporation
Gallente CreoDron
Gallente Duvolle Laboratories
Gallente Roden Shipyards
Minmatar Boundless Creation
Minmatar Core Complexion Inc

Loyalty Point Stores

Some corporations have extremely valuable items in their loyalty point stores that are unavailable through other corporations. Other corporations may offer discounted rates in their loyalty stores.

Faction Corporation Notes
Sisters of Eve The Sanctuary This corporation has a 20% discount to all LP store prices, but all agents for this corporation are either in low-sec or null-sec.