User:Rose Chanlin

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Rose Chanlin

Rose [1] is an EVE University Graduate, currently holds the Director Of Special Projects [2] role, This was a given after being the Campus Coordinator for a while. Before thats he was the Personnel Manager.

He is mostly online on different hours during the week because of his RL work. His timezone is GMT+1 (DTS applies every year, so in summer he is GMT+2).


He has joined EVE on 06/07/2011 and E-UNI on 09/01/2012. After he joined E-UNI he got involded with the AMC (Amarr Mining Camp) and he helped the camp into their daily operations under the lead from Vger Starseed. He has lead a large amount of fleets for the AMC and also holded the record for a very long time for organising the largest mining operation (besides the charity operation that Cartilige Deninard organised). Untill this day he is still an AMC officer who you can find often in the AMC mumble channel. Himself is not longer active in the AMC area because he moved to the WHC and holds their the POS for the Human Resources Department.

After a while he realised he could do more for the uni and he applied to become a Personnel Officer and was accepted on 22/06/2012. That is were he saw how hard people were working behind the scene of EVE University. After being a PO for about 3 months he got promoted to SPO on 17/09/2012. After only been SPO for a month he got promoted to Assistant Personnel Manager by Joha M'raadu on 20/10/2012. It was Joha first act becoming a Personnel Manager. At 12/05/2013 Joha stepped down and Rose got promoted to Personnel Manager. He kept this position untill 06/10/2014 when he stepped down to make room for a new personnel manager Laura Karpinski. At 26/10/2014 he got promoted to his current position of Campus Coordinator.

Out of game, Rose is a 33 years old man who works for the governement. He is from Belgium and lives in the city Antwerp. Because he works in shifts he is online during different hours of the day/week.

Rose has been playing games since windows 3.1 :D. Many games have passed through his PC like simcity (original), duke nukem, pac-man (original) and other cool games. From today's games he absolutely loves EVE, Simcity (New), the "Fallout" franchise, "ARMA" franchise, "GTA" franchise, Starcraft II and much more... . His favorite kind of game are RTS or Tactical FPS.

Official Duty in the E-UNI

Campus Coordinator

Rose is currently holding the role Campus Coordinator and he oversees multiple campuses in the uni. He goal is that they work together to solve bigger issues and also to get to know each other better.

He can also be seen in public E-UNI channel, either casually chatting or calling for applicants, so he can interview them. This is noth happening as much as he should like because he have his own duties that require a decent amount of game time already.

He often describes joining the Personnel Department was the best decision he could have made during his time in E-UNI. But keep in mind with great power comes a whole lot of paperwork :D (Stolen from Marius Labo)

His own business

Wormhole Campus

Rose was one of the first members of the youngest campus of all... and now a permament resident (along with most of the directors and managers) of our most beloved Wormhole. His business there usually consists of doing Sleeper Sites (which proved to channel some nice ISK to his wallet), and these days also try to do most of his time WH PVP.

He can be mostly seen POS spinning. He is also the contact person for access to the HR POS that is restriced to staff people inside EVE University.

Amarr Mining Camp

Rose still holds an active role in the AMC as an AMC officer, He is also responsible for fleet operations between AMC and WHC. He is also responsible for selling and buying multiple items for AMC purposes.