Teaching Department

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The teaching department is responsible for providing educational content for EVE University and throughout New Eden. We provide live classes, practical exercise and a library of recorded classes on every aspect of EVE. We also maintain a library of syllabi and slide packs for our teachers and guest lecturers, and we maintain various players guides on our wiki - all of which is available to the entire EVE Online community. The majority of our staff are dedicated members of EVE University, however we do have several amazing guest guest lecturers who volunteer their time and skills to ensure that the wider EVE online community can continue to grow and thrive.

Current Staff

Teaching Manager

EVE University Management/Teaching Manager

Assistant Teaching Managers

Teaching Department/Assistant Managers

For Students

Most of our classes are open to the public, on our public mumble server.

Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming classes, or join our in-game mailing list Classes.e-uni for regular weekly updates.

We have a large collection of recorded classes and visual aids on many different subjects.

We also have a Recommended Curriculum page, where new players can find a list of classes covering the basics.

Our wiki is well-known source of information for the EVE community, and has a large collection of 'how-to' guides on many subjects. These guides have been created and updated over the years by a wide-range of players throughout the community.

Teaching Department 101

EVE University is proud of the professionalism and enthusiasm of our teachers and we have the tools and the experience necessary to ensure your efforts to share and educate New Eden reach the widest audience possible.

The majority of E-Uni classes are open to the public, and help new players from all over New Eden; we are here to teach anyone that wants to learn, not just E-Uni members.

We have many regular guest lecturers, as well as many special classes and lectures given by well-known 'personalities' from all parts of the game.

Members of EVE University can join the Teaching Department faculty help give back to the community and earn the "Teacher" and eventually the and coveted "Professor" title (and shiny medals too).

Non-uni members can help us out as a Guest Lecturer as we know there is so much experience out there that E-Uni members want to know about, but which E-Uni staff are not always subject matter experts in, nor do we want to pretend we are.

However, if you are new to teaching or you have never taught for E-Uni before, please contact a member of the teaching department staff before scheduling your class.

For those highly experience players wishing to join E-Uni just to teach, we also have a fast-track Teacher Induction Programme, run through the HR Department which allows experienced players to join EVE University directly as a teacher.

Joining the Department

The majority of E-Uni classes are open to the public, and help new players from all over New Eden. We are here to teach anyone that wants to learn, not just E-Uni members.

Due to staff turnover and game changes etc, we are always looking for experienced players to teach classes and to share their knowledge.

Members of EVE University can also join the faculty and go on earn the title "Teacher" and eventually "Professor"

Non-members can help us out as Guest Lecturers as we are aware that there is a lot of experience out there that E-Uni members are interested in, but which E-Uni staff are not always subject matter experst in.

For those highly experience characters wishing to join E-Uni just to teach, we also have a teacher induction program, which allows experienced players to join EVE University as a teacher directly.

List of Teachers

Our current list of teachers can be found here.

Useful Links For Teachers and Guest Lecturers

For general questions and discussion, visit: Teacher's Lounge

How You Can Help

If you are interested in helping us in our mission to educate EVE pilots everywhere, here are some things you can do: