User:Breeze one

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Revision as of 09:13, 12 December 2016 by Breeze one (talk | contribs)
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About me!

New member of the Wiki Curating team, with way too much time on my hands at the moment. "Specialist Subjects" tend to be Hauling (which is my primary source of income in-game, for PushX), exploration, mining, and also in-game lore. I guess I could also write an article on how to overcome the trauma of losing every ship you ever try to PvP with....

Live in Dubai, so I will be making edits at weird times and days and annoying people by complaining about the heat in December :)

To Do

Clean up Freighter 101 Largely done

Clean up Hauling Largely done

Add dedicated article on Jump Freighters and cyno placement etc

Completely re-write and expand Suicide Ganking into a proper article so it can be linked into the Hauling pages

Thoughts and Ideas

Dedicated pages of useful services? I.e List of Hauling companies and links for newbies, dedicated page of useful links for industry etc?

UniWiki Curator References

Wiki editing

UniWiki CSS

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