Static Data Export

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How to use the fuzzwork dumps

The fuzzwork dumps, also knows as the SDE (Static Data Export), are very useful for many 3rd party applications. They can be found at under SDE, then under latest, or more directly at This article will go into detail on what each part is for, and how to access it.

Opening a file from the SDE

Directly quoted from the site: "To open bz2 files, use bunzip2 in linux, or something like 7zip in windows" Each file come in two flavors, CSV and SQL. For the purpose of this guide I won't go into opening SQL files, and rather assume that you will be using CSV files. It should be noted however that SQL can be extremely powerful, especially when using multiple databases, but the author of this guide doesn't know SQL. (yet)

What each file does

File name What it does
agtAgents.csv.bz2 Contains information regarding agents such as location, corporation, type, level, and locator (boolean)
agtAgentTypes.csv.bz2 Example
agtResearchAgents.csv.bz2 Example
certCerts.csv.bz2 Example
certMasteries.csv.bz2 What ships have what certificates. In this case, typeID is the ship, and certID is the certificate. See certSkills
certSkills.csv.bz2 Example
chrAncestries.csv.bz2 Example
chrAttributes.csv.bz2 Example
chrBloodlines.csv.bz2 Contains information on what race each bloodline belongs to, descriptions.
chrFactions.csv.bz2 Faction IDs, name, and description. Also what race each faction belongs to, and some other misc. information.
chrRaces.csv.bz2 raceID and raceName, iconID and a long and short description (side note, ORE is a race)
crpActivities.csv.bz2 IDK, maybe names of NPC sturcture groups?
crpNPCCorporationDivisions.csv.bz2 Example
crpNPCCorporationResearchFields.csv.bz2 Unknown
crpNPCCorporations.csv.bz2 Example
crpNPCCorporationTrades.csv.bz2 Information on what each NPC corp sells.
crpNPCDivisions.csv.bz2 Information on NPC divisions, mostly deprecated.
dgmAttributeCategories.csv.bz2 What each categoryID is, and a categoryName
dgmAttributeTypes.csv.bz2 Example
dgmEffects.csv.bz2 Information regarding effects, such as launching missiles, scaling damage, and the effects skills have.
dgmExpressions.csv.bz2 Information regarding expressions
dgmTypeAttributes.csv.bz2 AttributeID of each item (typeID). See dgmAttributeTypes
dgmTypeEffects.csv.bz2 effectID that each typID had, see also dgmEffects.csv.bz2
eveGraphics.csv.bz2 Information regarding grapics such as graphicID, graphic location, race, and description.
eveIcons.csv.bz2 Example
eveUnits.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivity.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivityMaterials.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivityProbabilities.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivityProducts.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivityRaces.csv.bz2 Example
industryActivitySkills.csv.bz2 Containes information about the skills required to manufacture any blueprint.
industryBlueprints.csv.bz2 Example
invCategories.csv.bz2 Category IDs and category names
invContrabandTypes.csv.bz2 Example
invControlTowerResourcePurposes.csv.bz2 Example
invControlTowerResources.csv.bz2 Example
invFlags.csv.bz2 Example
invGroups.csv.bz2 Contains information on inventory groups, such as groupID, categoryID, and other metadata
invItems.csv.bz2 Information about itemID and typeID, and some others
invMarketGroups.csv.bz2 Example
invMetaGroups.csv.bz2 A small file about meta group ids, such as Tech I, Tech II, Faction, Officer, etc
invMetaTypes.csv.bz2 typeID, parentTypeID, metaGroupID
invNames.csv.bz2 itemID for everything. Not that itemID is not typeID.
invPositions.csv.bz2 Example
invTraits.csv.bz2 Example
invTypeMaterials.csv.bz2 Example
invTypeReactions.csv.bz2 Example
invTypes.csv.bz2 Example
invUniqueNames.csv.bz2 Example
invVolumes.csv.bz2 Example
mapCelestialStatistics.csv.bz2 Example
mapConstellationJumps.csv.bz2 Example
mapConstellations.csv.bz2 Constellation position, faction, name, region, name, and radius.
mapDenormalize.csv.bz2 Position, radius, and security status of moons, planets, solar systems, all the way to regions. As such, a very large CSV with more than half a million lines.
mapJumps.csv.bz2 Example
mapLandmarks.csv.bz2 Example
mapLocationScenes.csv.bz2 Example
mapLocationWormholeClasses.csv.bz2 Each location's wormholeClassID
mapRegionJumps.csv.bz2 Example
mapRegions.csv.bz2 Example
mapSolarSystemJumps.csv.bz2 Example
mapSolarSystems.csv.bz2 Example
mapUniverse.csv.bz2 Possibly to differentiate between K-space and J-space? (speculation)
planetSchematics.csv.bz2 schematicID, name, and time it takes to complete that schematic.
planetSchematicsPinMap.csv.bz2 Example
planetSchematicsTypeMap.csv.bz2 Example
ramActivities.csv.bz2 Describes what each R.A.M. does. See Manufacturing
ramAssemblyLineStations.csv.bz2 Example
ramAssemblyLineTypeDetailPerCategory.csv.bz2 Information on R.A.M.
ramAssemblyLineTypeDetailPerGroup.csv.bz2 Example
ramAssemblyLineTypes.csv.bz2 Example
ramInstallationTypeContents.csv.bz2 Example
skinLicense.csv.bz2 Example
skinMaterials.csv.bz2 Example
skins.csv.bz2 Example
skinShip.csv.bz2 What skins can be used on what ships
staOperations.csv.bz2 Example
staOperationServices.csv.bz2 Information about what station types offer what services (speculation)
staServices.csv.bz2 Example
staStations.csv.bz2 Information about stations, their security level, location, name, reprocessing level, and much more.
staStationTypes.csv.bz2 Example
translationTables.csv.bz2 Appears to be empty
trnTranslationColumns.csv.bz2 Example
trnTranslationLanguages.csv.bz2 Example
trnTranslations.csv.bz2 Example
warCombatZones.csv.bz2 A small file that updates regularly. Contains information about combat zones (FW I think?)
warCombatZoneSystems.csv.bz2 Example

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