EVE Fiction

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Fiction in Eve

Fiction is a powerful form of expression when wielded effectively, yet has the appeal of being open to creation by anyone with the ability to read and write. EVE provides the Eve Fiction Forums for its gamers to share their fiction and related content. Contests are also organized by players, and ISD Mercury writes in concert with the content creation department of CCP.

Authorship In New Eden

Fiction in Eve is obviously going to be different than other types of fiction, but the basic tools of storymaking can be applied. It is not necessary to get a manuscript perfect the first time, or even the second. The objective is to have fun with it, and feel good about your achievements!

Fiction that has resonated with people over the years has generally followed a certain pattern. This is a very large topic and only a rough guide can be given here, obviously, but effective stories usually have a beginning of some sort, a middle and an end. A story has a conflict that drives it, and the conflict is resolved in the ending.

Writing a piece of any length requires an outline as it usually saves time. Writers are free to write how they want but successful writers tackling significant projects generally follow these steps:

  • 1. Assemble your ideas for the story. Sketch a rough outline. Use pencil and paper if this appeals to you, or a tablet. This is the time to write down ideas as they come to you, without paying attention to an outline if this is the approach that appeals to you.
  • 2. Do your outline in full. This may seem uneccesary but skipping this step often teaches a writer to follow it in the future, at the cost of much frustration.
  • 3. Write your story, feeling relatively free to make mistakes.
  • 4. Go over, re-reread, and edit. Have someone read it and edit for you, or take a break and edit it again. Proofreading will ensure your work gets the respect it deserves.

Eve Forums for Writers and Contest links

For more information on writing, the internet is a valuable tool as always. Reading other authors work is especially helpful, as it will help a writer improve his or her style, and inspire his or her plot. Information on Fiction Contests and other Fiction discussions can be found at the Eve Fiction forums:

Eve Fiction Forum.

Telegram Sam also publishes a blog that announces the Eve writing contests once they open each year:

Telegram Sam's Blog For the Eve writing Contest.

Information on Lore and Other Eve Author's Works

In an audience like that in EVE, there are very often high expectations from members that you adhere to the established setting of the Eve Universe. This means knowing the lore of New Eden. The following links may be helpful:

Mark726 Eve Survival guide (Offsite).

For samples of the works of other Eve Authors already in the canon, see the following:

Eve Fiction Portal (Lore/Eve Fiction)

Eve Chronicles.