Fitting A Ship (Working Example)

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Fitting a Ship

Anyone can create a fit, right?

Yes, anyone can create a fit. Whether or not that fit is good, or even works at all, is debatable. You can't expect to join EVE and be making alliance level doctrine fits within a week. It's a long process that requires understanding the basic items you should probably fit (such as prop, tank, mods to fit the role), right up to the slight differences in various types of the same mod and the repercussions fitting that mod will have (fitting space, stat alterations etc).

One thing I will state here is that if you think a theorycrafter and an FC are the same thing, you are very, very wrong. You can be an amazing analyst, able to decide what meta MWD you will fit on your Machariel and why you're going for 800mm ACs instead of 650s, but at the same time be terrible at commanding a fleet of said ships. The inverse is also the case. (You can also just be terrible at both, of course)

Ok, so how do I create a fit?

We'll assume that you already know the ship you will be creating a fit for. Some of you are probably sitting there scratching your head right now wondering in what scenario you would be creating a fit when you don't know the hull. That's for another day though.

So, let's take this situation. You have been asked to create a fit for an ARMOR FLEET BRAWLING TEMPEST. That's most definitely enough to go by.

I strongly suggest you download one of the out of game fitting tools, such as Pyfa or EFT. The in game fitting is ok, but nowhere near as easy and quick to prototype new fits.

Back to fitting, we'll start with the hull itself first. You want to analyse the bonuses this ship gets and we can see the Tempest gets:

  • 7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
  • 5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage

Now there are also a few other things we need to ask ourselves first

  • How do other people fit this ship?
  • How should I make use of the ship bonuses?
  • How should I balance tank, damage and utility?
  • Do I need a prop mod and if so, what should I fit?
  • Will everything fit within the ship's CPU and Powergrid?
  • How bling should I make it?
  • What other modules or rigs should I fit?

Step 1: Copy

So, let's start with the best form of flattery: copying. We look at what people have been flying. - Hmm, not what we want, this is a self repping fit, we don't want that for fleets at all. Also, the guy died to war targets in Jita so maybe not best mimic that fit (what is that rig for?). We'll ignore this one for now. - No, definitely don't want a rolling ship. - Ok this is more like it. He died with a group of his friends and had logi, if you check related kills.

So looking at the above fit, take note of what it has fitted:

  • Armor Plates - for buffer
  • Autocannons - the closer range projectile weapon (check the Tempest's bonuses to large projectiles again)
  • Microwarpdrive - for manoeuvring
  • Cap Booster - to avoid running out of capacitor
  • Utility Neuts - to delete the enemy's capacitor