Smash and Grab/Chapter 2: For Fun and Profit

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Main article: Smash and Grab

For Fun and Profit is the first chapter of Guristas epic arc. You will be doing missions for Cilis Leglise in 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support.

Mission 5 - Miscommunication

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can be complete remotely
  • Objective: Hack the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure.
  • One Codebreaker module will be granted to you when accepting this mission.

Warning: Mission requires Hacking skill and a data analyzer module (provided by agent).

Deadspace room 1:

You will land 12 km from the Venal Regional Comms Tower that you need to hack. Initial defenders are scattered 30-50 km from the hackable container so you will have time to hack it before any of them gets close to you. Remember to take the item from inside the hacked tower.

No ships need to be destroyed to complete the mission.

Initial defenders

Frigate 10 x Frigate Caldari Navy Patrol FrigateP
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Caldari Navy Special Operations Patrol
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer

Reinforcements arrive after succesful hacking.


Frigate 2 x Frigate Caldari Navy Patrol FrigateP
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer

You can remotely complete this mission and remotely accept the next while still in space.

Mission 6 - Fuel Gauge

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes
  • Can be accepted Remotely
  • Mission briefing:

Objective: Destroy 1 Fuel Depot (Alpha, Beta or Gamma) structure.

Deadspace entry point:

The guards are split to two groups. You can attack one of them without getting aggro from the other.

Initial defenders

Frigate 7 x Frigate Fueling Depot Guard
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Fueling Depot Guard
Sentry 1 x Sentry Caldari Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier

Deadspace room:

3 battleship groups with frigates and destroyers near them. Destroying any of the Fuel Depot structures (Alpha, Beta and Gamma) will make all battleship class guards near that structure explode. Frigate and destroyer classes are not harmed by the explosions.

Some of the Fuel Depot Guard frigates might web and warp scramble your ship.

Fly to each Fuel Depot and blow them up fast. Warp off after last one blows up. Move fast to avoid frigates that web and point.

Initial defenders

Frigate 7 x Frigate Fueling Depot Guard Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 7 x Destroyer Fueling Depot Guard
Battleship 18 x Battleship State Tenkyu/Utaisho/Yojimbo/Zewn

Each battleship will drop Caldari Navy Vice Admiral Insignia I which are worth few millions. You should not try to loot the wrecks while the frigates are around as they will point and web. Instead bookmark the site and return after turning in the mission

Mission 7 - Knockout Punch

  • Agent: Cilis Leglise - Guristas - Guristas
  • Location: 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support
  • Mission type: Encounter
  • Gate restrictions: Yes (shuttles only)
  • Rewards Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer

Objective: Pick up the Guristas „Dirty‟ Explosive System and bring it close to the Caldari State Carrier.

  • 1 Caldari Shuttle (500.0 m3) will be granted to you when accepting this mission.

You will lose your ship during this mission. Your pod is safe in mission but traveling in null in pod can be dangerous.

Deadspace entry point:

The ships at entry point are not agressive unless fired at. You can proceed to first deadspace room right away.

Passivce entry guards

Battleship 18 x Battleship Guristas Battleshi

Deadspace room 1:

  • Shortly after entering the stage, all guards will explode upon each other. Pick up the Guristas

„Dirty‟ Explosive System from the Damaged Caldari Shuttle.


Frigate 18 x Frigate Captured Caldari State Shuttle
Frigate 7 x Frigate State Bo-Hi/Showato
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser State Bushi/Dogo

Deadspace room 2:


Carrier 1 x Carrier Caldari State Carrier
  • When you get within close proximity to the carrier, both it and you will explode and the mission is marked as completed.
  • The carrier wreck will contain one rear-admiral dog tag. You can bookmark the wreck and come back to loot it.

After this mission you will start Smash and Grab chapter 3: Internal Security.