Large Jaspet, Kernite and Omber Deposit

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The Large Jaspet, Kernite and Omber Deposit is a Cosmic Anomaly that can be found in high security space.

Rats easily controlled with Hobgoblin II (bounty = around 5,000 ISK each)

Ore Type Quantity Size (each) Site Total (units)
Fiery Kernite 11 9,000 - 14,000 80,000+
Luminous Kernite 12 11,000 77,000+
Kernite 12 21,000 - 22,000 215,000+
Pristine Jaspet 6 9,000 - 12,000 63,000
Pure Jaspet 10 7,000 - 13,000 80,000+
Jaspet 14 15,000 120,000+
Golden Omber 12 12,000 - 18,000 150,000+
Silvery Omber 12 10,000 - 14,000 132,000+
Omber 20 11,250 - 40,000 512,500

Approximate Value = 300 million ISK