Jealous Rivals

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name=Jealous Rivals, Level 4 Template:Survival copy

Faction: Guristas
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic / Thermal
Web/scramble: None
Extras: None
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic / Thermal
Recommended ships: (Sentry-) Ishtar, Tengu

Single Pocket

Initial Group: (Auto-Aggro):

27km 3x Frigate (Dire Pithi Demolisher)
4x Battleship (Pith Massacrer)

    • Trigger for next spawn is last ship killed**

Spawn 1:
45km 3x Cruiser (Dire Pithum Abolisher/Mortifier)
3x Battleships (Pith Usurper)

    • Trigger for next spawn is last ship killed**

Spawn 2:
60km 3-4x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Assassin/Revolter)
3x Battleships (Pith Usurper/Massacrer)

    • Trigger for next spawn is last ship killed**

Spawn 3:
55km 4x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Executor/Revolter)
3x Battleships (Pith Usurper/Massacrer)

The mission objective will __appear in your ship's cargohold__ once the last NPC is destroyed, there is no container!!

++Mission objective will be in a container dropped by the last NPC. (Note: Mission objective appeared in my ship's cargo bay, not a container)++

Drones get aggro.