Knockout Punch

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Guristas epic arc - Smash and Grab
Chapter 1 - For Fun and Profit
Previous mission: Fuel Gauge
Next mission: Culling the Weak

Type Encounter
Objective Pick up the Guristas „Dirty‟ Explosive System and blow the Caldari State carrier with it
Ship size limit Shuttle
Rewards 1x Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer + time bonus

This mission requires you to just fly through an deadspace complex in a shuttle. The acceleration gates in site will not allow any other ship types through. 1 Caldari Shuttle (500.0 m3) will be granted to you when accepting this mission.

You will lose your ship during this mission. Your pod is safe in mission but traveling in null in pod can be dangerous.


The ships at entry point are not agressive unless fired at. You can proceed to first deadspace room right away.

Passivce entry guards

Battleship 18 x Battleship Guristas Battleshi

Room 1

  • Shortly after entering the stage, all guards will explode upon each other. Pick up the Guristas

„Dirty‟ Explosive System from the Damaged Caldari Shuttle.


Frigate 18 x Frigate Captured Caldari State Shuttle
Frigate 7 x Frigate State Bo-Hi/Showato
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser State Bushi/Dogo

Room 2


Carrier 1 x Carrier Caldari State Carrier
  • When you get within close proximity to the carrier, both it and you will explode and the mission is marked as completed.
  • The carrier wreck will contain one rear-admiral dog tag. You can bookmark the wreck and come back to loot it.