Abyssal Deadspace

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Abyssal Deadspace is an area of isolated space. It was added to the game in the Into The Abyss expansion that went live on May 29th 2018.

It is accessible only with the use of filaments and even then only limited pockets are accessible for a limited time. The abyssal deadspace is filled with dangerous localized space effects and any ship that ventures away from the stable pocket or stays in for too long will be destroyed by these effects.

Site Basics

Show Info on a filament to see its properties

A new type of space can be accessed using filaments obtained from data sites and from abyssal deadspace. Five tiers of increasing difficulty exists. The Abyss is limited to a single Tech I, Tech II, Navy Faction or Pirate Faction cruiser and is accessed by activating a filament in space. Activation can be anywhere in space, likely at a minimum distance from celestial objects (TBD). A combat-probable beacon is created at your entry location that allows others to await your return from the pocket. Within the Abyss, in each pocket is a structure called the "Triglavian Bioadaptive Cache" which has a scant 300 hit points and contains all the loot for that pocket.

An Abyssal Deadspace instance is composed of three pockets. Each pocket must be cleared of enemies for a gate to open to the next pocket. In addition to Triglavians, you may find rogue drones under their command. Drifters (without doomsday and rarely with overshield) may appear as well, accompanied by sleeper drones, engaged in combat with the Triglavians. However, no one will help you. You must fight your way out.

The deadspace instance is stable for only 20 minutes. If you are still in the pocket after 20 minutes your ship and your pod will be immediately destroyed. The NPCs also will pod you. Essentially, you must clear the three pockets and exit with the allocated time, or you will lose both your ship and your pod. The third pocket gate returns you to the location in space you activated the filament from.

Further site restrictions: you can not be warped to within the Abyss, nor can you warp out of it. You can not cloak nor deploy a mobile depot. There is no local. Core Probes and Combat probes launched will be removed from space shortly after launching and cannot be recovered. The Directional Scanner will not work. The map does not work. At the present moment, if a player is in Abyssal Deadspace when server downtime occurs, the player will still return to the Abyssal system, however the complex will have de-spawned and the player will be stuck in empty void space: the only way out is to self destruct.

Enviromental Effects

Abyssal deadspace has several enviromental effects that will all apply to both the player ship and to the NPC ships. These effects will neutralize unprepared ships but they can also be taken advantage of. All effects applied to your ship will be shown in same location as EWAR effects. Hoover your mouse over the icon to see what effect is applied to your ship.

Weather Effects

Each Abyssal Deadspace instance will have a weather effect that spans over all three pockets of the instance. Five types of environmental weather effects exist affecting both player and NPCs. The type is identified on the info of the filament and can be countered if desired by fitting choices. The name of the filament itself gives clues as to what tier and difficulty it is. A Raging Exotic Filament meands that it is a Class 4 site with Exotic Particle Storm effect. A Fierce Dark Filament is a Class 3 site with Dark Matter Field effect.

The bonus modifier of the weather is always 50% but the strength of the penalty varies by the level of the instance.

  • Calm (level 1). -30% penalty
  • Agitated (level 2). -30% penalty
  • Fierce (level 3). -30% penalty
  • Raging (level 4). -50% penalty
  • Chaotic (level 5). -70% penalty

The five Abyss-wide environmental effects are outlayed in this table below:

Electrical storm

Icon resist em.png Penalty to EM Resist
Icon capacitor capacity.png Bonus to Capacitor Techarge Time (-50%)

Dark matter field

Icon target range.png Penalty to Turret Optimal and Falloff Range
Icon velocity.png Bonus to maximum velocity (+50%)

Exotic particle storm

Icon resist kin.png Penalty to Kinetic Resist
Icon sensor resolution.png Bonus to Scan Resolution (+50%)

Plasma firestormstorm

Icon resist therm.png Penalty to Thermal Resist
Icon armor.png Bonus to Armor HP (+50%)

Gamma-ray afterglow

Icon resist exp.png Penalty to Explosive Resist
Icon shield.png Bonus to Shield HP (+50%)

When selecting ship you must consider the weather effect of the instance you are entering. For example using a turret ship in dark matter field (range penalty) is very bad idea as you would likely not be able to hit anything.

Also remember that the resist penalty will apply to the rats too so pick your damage type to match the resist weakness. How negative resist bonus is applied to a ship may seem confusing. The easiest way to think of it is that a -50% resist penalty means the ship will take 50% more damage. For more in depth explanation see negative resists on tanking page.

Localized Effects

The pockets will also contain clouds and Triglavian towers that will apply effects to player and NPC ships in their immediate vicinity.

Localized Clouds:

  • Filament Cloud (orange): Penalty to Shield Booster capacitor usage (+50%), penalty to ancillary shield booster charge usage (+100%). If you have active shield tank you must avoid entering these.
  • Bioluminescence Cloud (light blue): +300% Signature Radius (4.0x signature radius multipler). Entering this cloud will make your ship easier target to hit but it will also make all rats easier to hit.

Triglavian Towers:

  • Deviant Automata Suppressor: Damages all missiles and drones within it area of effect. The larger does about the same damage to drones as a single medium smartbomb.
  • Multibody Tracking Pylon: +60% or +80% tracking to all ships in its are of effect.
Pocket boundary

Each pocket is a 150 km diamater sphere. Flying out of the sphere will result in incrementally increasing damage to your ship leading to its destruction.

Running Abyssal Sites

Icon warning.png WARNING: Any ship and capsule should be considered lost the moment a player enters Abyssal Deadspace. The atmosphere is rather unforgiving to inexperienced, ill-equipped or unfamiliar pilots. If your ship is lost inside the site, you will loose your capsule with implants (if equipped) as well. Do not run Abyssal Deadspace complexes with expensive implants installed or with excessively expensive ship setups which cannot be readily replaced.

Rat info

The Abyssal Deadspace contains variety of different kind of rats. Each rat will behave differently and taking the right approach in different situations is important.

Rogue Drones

Rogue Drones are perhaps the most common enemy type encountered in Abyssal Deadspace. The sub battleship drones deal single damage type EWAR based on their name. The battlecruiser sized rogue drones are notable for having very high dps combined with very short range. If you can keep them at over 10 km from your ship they will deal very little damage.

It is best to start out by killing EWAR ships that pose threat to your ship, meaning webbers, tracking and missile disruptors if your ship uses those weapons and target painters if the pocket has battleship. You should also keep eyes on the logistic drones. If you can't kill other frigates before repairs land you will need to kill the logistic drones first. After the dangerous EWAR and logistic drones are dead you can focus on the damage dealers in your preferred order.

The rogue drone frigates are suspectible to automata supressors. Multibody tracking pylons and bioluminescent clouds will also help greatly when trying to hit small frigate swarms.

Some of the Rogue Drone battleships have defensive webs making it difficult to get into sub 10 km orbit.

Rogue Drone name identification:

  • Spark - EM damage.
  • Ember - thermal damage.
  • Strike - kinetic damage.
  • Blast - explosive damage.
  • Snarecaster - webbing.
  • Fogcaster - turret and missile disruption.
  • Gazedimmer - sensor dampening.
  • Spotlighter - target painting.
  • Fieldweaver - remote shield logi.
  • Plateweaver - remote armor logi.
Drifters, sleeper drones and seekers

Drifters, sleeper drones and seekers are sometimes encountered together but they can appear on their own too. They all deal all damage types and have flat resist profiles.

Drifter ship most often start with damaged shields and armor. The battleship deals heavy damage but a cruiser can get under its guns to avoid taking hits. The drifter cruisers all use some form of EWAR in addition to dealing damage.

Drifter cruiser names:

  • Entanglement - webs.
  • Nullwarp - warp scramblers.
  • Nullcharge - energy neutralizers.

Seeker names:

  • Lancer - more dps.
  • Entangler - webs.
  • Spearfisher - warp scramblers.
  • Illuminator - target painting.
  • Dissipator - energy neutralizing.
  • Obfuscator - sensor dampening.
  • Confuser - turret and missile disruption.

Finally the sleeper drones. Every sleeper drone is equipped with remote repairers so it is best to kill smaller ships first as they die before repairs land. In addition to dps they will also use webs and energy neutralizer.

Sleeper drone frigate names:

  • Escort - dps.
  • Aegis - more dps.
  • Warden - webs.
  • Firewatcher - energy neutralizers.
  • Preserver - stronger remote repairs


  • Watchman - dps.
  • Upholder - webs.
  • Sentinel - energy neutralizers.


  • Deepwatcher - target painting

Best damage to deal

The Abyssal Deadspace resist penalties apply to both the player ship and to the rats inside Abyssal Deadspace. Due to how resist penalties are calculated this means that damage matching with the penalized resist will effectively receive damage bonus equal to the resist penalty (smaller damage increase if the target has too low resist). So in general you should select your damage to match the weather.

But sometimes the natural resist hole of the rat is equal or even greater than the resist hole caused by the weather.

  • The Triglavian rats have resists from weakest to strongest: Ex, Kin, Th, EM
    • In level 1-3 electric storm pockets the weather induced resist hole is equal to explosive resist hole. In all other pockets the weather induced weakness is greater.
  • Drifter ships, seeker drones and sleepers have uniform resists.
  • The rogue drone ships have wildy varying resists. Generally the weather induced weakness is the greatest resist hole to hit. Hitting natural resist hole of the battleship drone deals approximately 10%-20% more damage than not hitting any weakness. Rogue drone battleship weaknesses are:
    • Benthic Abyssal Overmind: EM/Ex
    • Hadal Abyssal Overmind : EM
    • Bathyic Abyssal Overmind: Ex/EM
    • Twilit Abyssal Overmind: Kin/Ex (Kinetic is very large weakness. Bigger than from level 1-3 weather)
    • Photic Abyssal Overmind: EM (Very small weakness)


The Abyssal Deadspace is dangerous but the rewards can make it worth for those who can complete the pockets. The abyssal space is the only source for many valuable items and materials:

  • Mutaplasmids
  • Triglavian ship and equipment blueprint copies.
  • Entropic disintegrators. The weapons of Triglavian ships.
  • Blueprint copies of ammo for disintegrators.
  • Crystalline Isogen-10. Material needed for manufacturing of Triglavian ships.
  • Zero-Point Condensate. Material needed for manufacturing of disintegrator ammo.
  • You can also find additional filaments in Abyssal Deadspace allowing you to go in again to acquire more items.
    • This is how higher tier filaments are acquired.