Sheroz Amokin

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Amarr COSMOS agent

Missions: 5 missions: Two L3 combat, one courier, two L4 combat
The first two missions require Bug-Ridden Corpses and Antiseptic Biomass, which you probably have from some earlier missions. For the fourth mission, you'll have to go up against multiple battleships, so it's worth adding some extra tank to your battlecruiser; your battleships aren't allowed into the complex.
The final mission gives 9.0% Amarr Empire standings.

Blood Hunt - Symptoms (1 of 5)

Type Trade
Objective Acquire 3x Bug-Ridden Corpse (3 m3)
Rewards 1x large faction ammo crystal + time bonus
Mission briefing
Welcome, capsuleer. Your presence here in the Ravelin indicates to me that you are interested in stemming the tide of Blood Raiders into Koona. The Blood Raider cult is out in force in this constellation, and here in Koona they've made this old Imperial fortress their own. Thankfully, they've not been here all that long, so there's still time to do something about it.

The local authorities seem either unable or unwilling to deal with the Blood Raiders once and for all. I've even heard rumors that Lord Methros, ruler of Koona and the nearby Munory, is secretly dealing with the Blood Raiders, or with some part of the cult at least. Be that as it may, all of my attempts to get help from the lord have fallen on deaf ears, and even my pleas to the Imperial Navy went unanswered. I guess it's all up to me.

Amarr Constructions has poured a lot of ISK into building up its infrastructure here in Araz, and we're not about to let some murderous scumbag fanatics ruin it all for us. My superiors have given me full rein to deal with the problem, including a vast warchest to reward those willing to aid me in this endeavor. If you're interested, I might have several assignments for you.

The Blood Raiders are strengthening their defenses all the time. We will deal with that later, but for now we must put an end to a particularly devilish little scheme of theirs. For all their fanaticism, the Blood Raiders are no fools, and they know they will be resisted. So they're expecting a lot of visitors in the Bastion of Blood. They'll fight with every means at their disposal, and not just firepower alone. One of their more cunning plans, our spies have discovered, is to fill bodies they've already drained of blood with bug devices and Trojan horses. They disperse the bodies around the complex in the hope that someone compassionate (or foolish) enough will pick it up. Once the bug-ridden corpse is inside the ship, it can wreak all kinds of havoc.

Fortunately, the plan is still only in its infancy. The Blood Raiders have started littering the first room in the complex with corpses, but the bug devices in them remain inactive. That gives us a chance to clean some of them up before they come online, plus kill some Blood Raiders in the process. I want you to enter the Slope and kill a few Corpse Dealers for me. Bring me back some of these inactive bug-ridden corpses; I want to investigate further what these bug devices can do.

The required item can be found in Contested Amarr Sanguine Vaults and Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood.

Blood Hunt - Morbid Burden (2 of 5)

Type Trade
Objective Acquire 2x Antiseptic Biomass (2 m3)
Rewards 3 run storyline BPC + time bonus medium faction ammo crystal
Mission briefing
I doubt your actions against the Corpse Dealers were enough to scare the Blood Raiders off from carrying out their macabre plan. But at least it tells them that we're on to them. Once I've analyzed the bug-ridden corpses you brought me, we'll have a better idea how we can foil their plan further.

In the meantime, we're ready to strike the Blood Raiders at the heart of their operation. The cultists have been busy ambushing innocents around the constellation, and every day dozens of corpses are taken to the Bastion of Blood to be drained in their horrid rituals. Most have been processed with antiseptic agents to hinder rot. The bodies, or what remains of them, are brought in by special couriers called simply Corpse Collectors.

Enter you: Go into the fortress and hunt them down. Once you've collected a sizeable amount of antiseptic biomass, return to me with it. Not only are we putting spikes in the Blood Raiders' operation, but we're also saving the remains of those they've killed from a fate worse than death. Perhaps some bereaved families will at least be able to bury their loved ones, instead of having to anxiously wait for years for any news of them.

The required item can be found in Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood.

Blood Hunt - Morbid Burden (3 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Transport Noble Remains (0.1 m3)
Rewards Isk + timed bonus 1x Bastion Master Key (7 days)
Mission briefing
Most of the biomass you brought me is too mixed for DNA analysis, but fortunately some pieces were more or less intact. In fact, my analysis shows that one of the bodies you brought back is that of a member of a minor branch of the Kador family, one Daryd Kador. Now, Daryd was not part of the ruling branch of the Kador family and thus stood a long way from the Kador throne. Nevertheless, I feel it is my duty to have his remains brought to the Kadors for proper burial.

Of course, since it was you who found him, I feel it's only right that you finish the job and bring Daryd Kador's remains home. It's not much of a job, but I can use the time while you're gone to put the final touches on the next step in my personal crusade against the Blood Raider heretics. Just so you know, I have acquired a passkey to the innermost sanctum of the Bastion of Blood, and once you've returned, I aim to put it to good use ... in your hands. Just don't take too long getting back, or I'll be forced to give the passkey to someone else to do the job.

Simple transport mission to transport an item to a location four jumps away.

You must not fail to get the bonus reward. You will need the Bastion Master Key in future missions. The key allows you to enter the fourth room of the Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood once. The key is isngle use and only two can be acquired (second one from Ormon Parsik).