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Triglavian Invasion

In the summer of 2019, one of the UniWiki curators asked if it was possible to put the Triglavian font from the game files into the wiki, so they could demonstrate the language on a new page they were writing for the Triglavian lore.

I maintain a test copy of the UniWiki database on a private server, so I started playing around there to determine the feasibility. In my playing around, I accidentally edited the CSS such that ALL fonts on the test wiki were converted to Triglavian. Quickly realizing my mistake, I went to try and change it back only to realize that the Editor as well was illegible because of the font. It took a little doing to roll back the changes without being able to read anything :)

But the idea had merit. So I played with it some more and the result was only the front page being converted on the testwiki. I showed this to a few people, and the idea to push this to the live wiki was presented.

My original plan was to have this in effect throughout FanFest 2020, as an icebreaker for something to talk about, as it would be my first-ever EVE Community Event, let alone as the Wiki Manager. I was designing a custom t-shirt with E-Uni logos and UniWiki Manager emblazoned, and would have a triglavian version of the shirt as well...

Alas, FanFest 2020 was cancelled due to the Coronavirus, so much of my plans were shelved. The Triglavian Invasion was too fun to pass up, though, so I opted to keep working on it, as an April Fool's gag.