Mandor Neek

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Improving Relations

Mission briefing So you've come at last, Kelon Darklight. I have been expecting you. I assume you're here to acquire your new ship blueprint. If so you're in luck, I still have a few Imperial Navy Slicer Blueprint copies in stock.

This offer expires at 2020.09.14 01:50

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Improving Relations Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Mandor Neek's Punisher in Jakri.	
		Item	30 x Sansha Silver Tag (3.0 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Imperial Navy Slicer Blueprint (2 runs, copy, material level: 20, time efficiency: 8)

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 40 minutes:

	224,000 ISK

.235% standings gain with amarr empire