Nuomo Kaavunin

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Harvester's Misfortune (1 of 2)

Mission briefing I'm in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I managed to find an area of deadspace filled with lucrative gas clouds, but as always there was a catch. The Guristas had apparently erected an outpost next to an acceleration gate leading directly into the deadspace pocket containing the clouds. I haven't detected any signs of them actually harvesting the gas, but I dare not try to enter the area with them nearby. Could you please remove their presence for me?

This offer expires at 2020.10.29 04:14

Harvester's Misfortune (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Eradicate the Guristas presence near the acceleration gate leading into the Gas Cloud site, then report back to Nuomo Kaavunin in Pioneer's Sanctuary. Location -0.1 ZH3-BS (Low Sec Warning!)

This site contains special ship restrictions.

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Gas Cloud Harvester I

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 5,000,000 ISK

on warp in- [18:14:22] Message > <color=0xff48ff00>Ship Computer: Signals coming from the enemy ships in this deadspace pocket indicate that more groups of Guristas may be incoming. I suggest you dispatch them quickly lest you be overwhelmed.</color>

[18:17:22] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>More Guristas ships have arrived! And they aren't very happy with the fact their outpost is under attack.</color>

[18:20:22] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>More Guristas ships have arrived!</color>

[18:23:22] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>More Guristas ships have arrived!</color>