Archive:WHC Skill Training Rewards

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WHC Skill Training Rewards

The aim of the WHC Skill Training Programme is to provide WHC members some guidance and incentive to train into important fleet support skills.


To be eligible for a skill training reward from the WHC you must:

  • have participated in at least five WHC fleets
  • comply with any additional requirements listed for the particular skill reward
  • be a regular at the WHC and not requesting these skill incentives at other campuses as well
  • complete the request form: WHC Skill Incentives Request

Fleet Tackle



  • Reward: Racial Interdictor hull; This can be claimed up to twice, once on your Uni main and one time on an approved alternate Interdictor character (must be intended for WHC related use.)
  • Requirements: Train both Racial Destroyer V and Interdictors IV.

Fleet Support

Command Destroyers


Logistics Frigate

Logistics Cruiser

  • Reward: Guardian or Scimitar hull; this is claimable twice, once for Logistics Cruiser IV and a second time at Logistics Cruiser V and the other racial cruiser V.
  • Requirements: Amarr Cruiser V or Minmatar Cruiser V and Logistics Cruisers IV. then Logistics Cruisers V if claiming a second time. Because of the increased cost and experienced required to fly Logistics Cruisers compared to Frigates, there is an additional requirement pilot must submit links to 3 AARs in which they have flown T1 Logistics Cruisers in non-gank scenarios ie where the other party was there intending to fight.