Perfect Refine List

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.
This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: All Solitude Refiners should update their profiles as the Solitude Campus has closed.

The capsuleers below will happily reprocess your materials for you. Make sure to read on for where they can reprocess your stuff, and exactly what they can reprocess for you. Follow the individual instructions.

Joining The "Perfect" Refine List

To join the "perfect" refine list, simply edit your details into this page, preferably in alphabetical order. Make it easily readable, bullet points help. If you charge a fee you must make that clear. Make sure to include:

  • the name of your reprocessing character
  • where you will reprocess ores/ice/etc
  • which corporations you have 0% tax with
  • what you will reprocess (ores/ice/scrapmetal/etc)
  • your skills in the relevant materials (or better, simply your reprocessing % for each material).
  • instructions for people wanting their stuff reprocessed

"Perfect" Refine List

Anidien Dallacort

Updated: June 15, 2021


  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Talassonite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bezdnacine Processing V]]

Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.

I am happy to refine at any campus.

Please send me a Discord PM or an EVE Mail to let me know you've dropped a contract!

Ardes Atavuli - Alt: Turtlefist

Updated: February 24, 2020

Perfect: Pretty good:

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]

Primarily with Incursions these days: I can make clone jumps to HSC where Turtlefist's refining alt is. Can be contacted via EvEMail or HSC and Incursion Discord.

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Earl Reneshan

Updated: February 13, 2020


  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]

I can make travelceptor trips to any UNI campus refining spot. Can be contacted via EvEMail or NSC/Incursion Discord. No charge for refining.

Edward Audeles

Updated: Nov 30 2019

  • Perfect refine: A majority of all oretypes (see below), Ice and scrapmetal: Reprocessing V, Reprocessing Efficiency V, Ore Processing skills at V, Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%).
  • Pretty good refine: remaining ores
  • In the process of adding more ores to the "perfect" list
Perfect: Pretty good:

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing IV]]

  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing IV]]

Please update your profile. The Solitude Campus is closed. Mostly able to handle refining for people in Solitude. Best way of getting in touch: Solitude Discord or in-game channel Solitude (EVE Uni)

Hippla Tsero - Alt: Psemata

Updated: July 31, 2021

Located at the Null-Sec Campus


Get in touch via Discord or in-game mail for refining requests.

Ion Duke

Additionally covers non-unistas and non-campus locations in contiguous high sec.

Updated: May 27, 2021


  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Bezdnacine Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Talassonite Processing V]]

Set the contract for 2 weeks and eve mail me the contract link, I will include any contract and refining fees in the return contract.

As well as HSC and AMC, I am generally willing to travel to all contiguous Hi Sec to help players (past, present and future unistas) out. Check via evemail if you are unsure if I will cover a particular location or if you are eligible. I have tax free standing with the following corps:

Aliastra, Brutor Tribe, Caldari Business Tribunal, Core Complexion, Expert Distribution, Internal Security, Kaalakiota Corp, Minmatar Mining Corporation, Nugoeihuvu Corp, Pator Tech School, Republic Justice Department, Republic Parliament, Republic Security Services, Sisters Of Eve, Six Kin Development, TransStellar Shipping.

If using an upwell structure ensure it is either a FreePort or belongs to a uni holding corp, if using an NPC station ensure it has 50% base refining (use dotlan to check). Since uni diplomacy changes I am no longer blue, so am unable to help out at any of the non-high sec campuses.

Jessica Farrish - Alt: Ahanu Aldent

Updated: July 13, 2021

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing V]]

For any refining requests please send an email to Jessica Farrish.

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Kai-Alon Deninard

Updated: 20 Oct 2019

Perfect: Pretty good:

  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing IV]]

  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing IV]]

Please update your profile. The Solitude Campus is closed. Will handle refining for people in Solitude at the Uni refinery, Accretion Disk or at the NSC at refineries in PC9 or T22. Contact me via Solitude Discord, in-game DM, or via the Solitude (EVE Uni) channel.

Malcolm Wolf

Updated: October 2, 2020

Perfect: Pretty good:

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]

Please update your profile. The Solitude Campus is closed. Reprocessing done at Accretion Disk in Boystin (Solitude). Contact me in-game via Solitude (EVE Uni) chat.

Netan Emerson

Updated: May 18, 2020

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]

For AMC area, use the AMC Reprocessing Service.

High Sec Only. No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Do not have any corporations have 0% tax. Highly recommend use Upwell refinery where does not matter and get better refine anyway.

Pachydermatologist (a/k/a Tori Moliko) - NSC

Updated: July 9, 2021

  • Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%)
  • All reprocessing skills to V, including povchen ores (Yield w/ Athanor and T2 Rig: 87.62%)
  • Scrapmetal Processing V (Yield: 55%)

Contract anything you'd like to have reprocessed to Hansarah Ambramotte (character) or Tori’s Toons (corp) at the refinery of your choice in the NSC area. I'll contract the reprocessed materials back to you at cost. I don't log into that account every day, so if it's been some time and Hansarah hasn't accepted the contract yet, feel free to ping Pachydermatologist (on discord) or Tori Moliko (in game) about it.

Psychotic Fickity- Alt: Screadail Fickity

Updated: Jan 11th , 2020

Perfect: Pretty good:
  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]

For AMC/HSC area. If you are in AMC use the AMC Reprocessing Service/procedure.

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Tal Tracyn

Updated 10th January 2021

  • All Reprocessing skills at 5 + Ice
  • All moon ore reprocessing at 5
  • All Triglavian Ore at 5

78.2%(ore) / 55%(scrap metal repro) at The New Pitt in Amy. Implant Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (4%). Based in Amygnon, can be found in HSC chat.

YooJin Moon- Alt: Propeller Man

Updated: March 20th , 2020

Mining and refining in the LSC area. Reprocessing in Archavoinet @ Gold Refinery (Any V with 4% implant - 75.3%; any IV with 4% implant 73.9%) A 400k ISK jump clone fee will be charged going forward due to the corp access list changes. This fee will be added on to the return contracts post-refining in addition to the reprocessing fees.

Perfect: Pretty good:
  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing IV]]

"Pretty Good" Refine List

Bosdos / HSC Amygnon - Hive of Industry

Updated: 17 March 2021’’

Skill List:

Hive of Industry: If you need the refining service, send an eve mail or say hi on mumble directly.

Edswifa Rova

Updated: May 01, 2021

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bezdnacine Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Talassonite Processing V]]
Pretty Good:
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing IV]]

For AMC area, use the AMC Reprocessing Service.

High Sec Only. No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Jack RipperJr - Alt: Vlad Kaziklibey

“Updated: December 03, 2020”


  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • Scrapmetal Processing V

Pretty Good:

HSC Area -contact me on HSC Mumble or HSC chat for trade. OR Please contract ore to Vlad Kaziklibey at Amygnon, The New Pitt 54%. There is no fee for the reprocessing service, but station fees will be passed on in the return contract, and please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. The HSC Campus refining service is a no fee service - utilizing this service will save you the contracting and station fees that will be passed on when contracting to me. The campus service can take time, though, so I'm happy to refine for you at just the cost incurred to perform the refining!

Please send me an EVE Mail to let me know you've dropped a contract!


Updated: May 7th, 2020

Pretty good:

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]

  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]]

  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]

There are better refiners in the Uni, but I can help out in a pinch. I will be training my alt to be a secondary refiner, as my main is currently tied up training Leadership. Can be contacted via EvEMail or HSC. No charge for refining, but will only operate out of Amy. I am willing to pick up and bring your raw materials to Amy, however.

Knight Hippaforalkus (Alt: Tia Pedel)

Updated: May 21, 2020

Almost Perfect:
  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing IV]] - Now at V!
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing IV]] - Now at V!
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing IV]] - Now at V!
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing IV]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing IV]] - Now at V!
  • [[Skills:Bezdnacine Processing I]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing I]] - V On Plan!
  • [[Skills:Talassonite Processing I]] - V On Plan!

I refine on Knight in HSC but tend to be on Tia mining most of the time currently. If I am online I will always be on one of these 2 so just find me in HSC chat.

There are others who have more at V than just for ubiquitous but I am more than happy to help out if you desperately need it. Speak to me in HSC chat first, and happy to do contracts in Hive of Industry or other local stations (not too far from Amy please!). No charge for refining.

Tia also has a Providence freighter in Jufvitte if you have a lot of ore you need moved to a refining station or minerals to where you need them, well.. within reason! :)

Milja Itazura - HSC / NSC

Updated: July 9th, 2019

  • Reprocessing Implant +4% (Both locations)

For HSC I work out of The New Pitt 54% in Amygnon. In NSC I reprocess non-moon ores at Reprocessing II in PC9, and moon ores at The Nest in T22. If you need anything refined, don't hesitate to contact me via EveMail or private conversation. I only charge what the facility charges me for refinement; no additional fees!

Miriel Larose (Alt: Ernest Larose) - NSC

Updated: August 31, 2021

Pretty Good:

Operating at NSC.

Nelliver Cadigal / HSC Amygnon - Hive of Industry

Reprocessing is done by my alt Baerbel Ozawamai. Please contact either Nell or Baerbel

  • Reprocessing Implant +4%

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]


  • [[Skills:Kernite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Jaspet Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Omber Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing V]]


  • [[Skills:Arkonor Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Crokite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Gneiss Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing V]]


Rita Athonille

Updated: 04 July 2019
Logistical alt for Mithlug Ibruin, contact goes there.

  • Reprocessing Implant +x%
  • Pretty good refine: [[Skills:Veldspar Processing III]] / [[Skills:Scordite Processing III]] / [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing III]] / [[Skills:Gneiss Processing III]] / [[Skills:Hedbergite Processing III]] / [[Skills:Hemorphite Processing III]] / [[Skills:Jaspet Processing III]] / [[Skills:Kernite Processing III]] / [[Skills:Spodumain Processing III]] / [[Skills:Omber Processing III]] / [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing III]] / [[Skills:Dark Ochre Processing III]]

Shepard Adoulin

Updated: June 18, 2021

  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]]
  • [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]]
Pretty Good:
  • [[Skills:Bezdnacine Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Bistot Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Rakovene Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Spodumain Processing IV]]
  • [[Skills:Talassonite Processing IV]]

Within a reasonable distance of AMC (~10 jumps from Averon).

High Sec Only. No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Sembaphil Sarmandari / HSC Amygnon - The New Pitt 54%

Updated: 12. Jan 2018

Pretty good refine:

  • Reprocessing V
  • Reprocessing Efficiency V
  • [[Skills:Veldspar Processing V]] / [[Skills:Scordite Processing V]] / [[Skills:Plagioclase Processing V]] / [[Skills:Pyroxeres Processing V]] / [[Skills:Kernite Processing I]] / [[Skills:Omber Processing IV]] / [[Skills:Jaspet Processing I]] / [[Skills:Spodumain Processing IV]] / [[Skills:Mercoxit Processing I]] / Scrapmetal Processing IV
  • Reprocessing Implant +4%

I'm using the reprocessing facilities in Amygnon, The New Pitt 54%. If you need the refining service, please contact me in game.

Xaviar Onassis HSC Amygnon - The New Pitt 54%

Updated 25th May 2018