Archive:Noobs on W-Space Patrol

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

The Noobs on W-Space Patrol is a weekly event. The purpose of the event is to introduce new players to the mysteries of Wormhole Space. Sylvanium Orlenard is the pilot who started the patrol and still runs it on a weekly basis to this day. It is modeled after the Noobs on Patrol event first organized by Debir Achen. In order to come up with a wormhole system appropriate to take a noob fleet in, a contest called the Wormhole Hunt is organized for explorers just prior to the start of this event. A very noob friendly fleet (composition and fits will be described below) is assembled in Aldrat and taken into a C1, C2 or C3 W-Space system and the fleet runs the sleeper sites found within. The loot and salvage is then sold and the ISK is divided equally among all of the participants. It usually takes about 1 week for the "pay check" to be deposited into the pilot`s wallet.

Wormhole Hunt

The Wormhold Hunt starts one hour and a half before the main event. Both experienced and new explorers are welcomed to the contest. The prize is 5% of the value of the loot and salvage recovered by the Noobs on W-Space Patrol or 1 million ISK, whichever is higher. At the start of the event all of the participating explorers will be invited to a private in-game channel and given a link to an online spreadsheet. The spreadsheet calls for systems to be scanned down and the information from your discoveries is entered in the spreadsheet. At the end of the Contest, the organizer calls a winner, at which point the winner either stays for the Noobs on W-Space Patrol or contracts the relevant bookmarks to the organizer from the top station in known space (the system where the wormhole entrance was found in, or closest to).

Appropriate ships and loadouts for the Wormhole Hunt

These fits relate to old versions of these ships. While fitting principles remain the same, slot layouts may have changed.

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