User:Jindo Lee/EVE University/ MODIFIED Join E-Uni

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EVE University [E-UNI] is the oldest and largest in-game corporation specifically designed to train new players. We offer in-game training via live classes, regular fleets and events, mentors, ships and equipment, and a variety of other services to help new players learn and experience everything EvE has to offer. Our mission is to help new players learn as much as possible about the game, and prepare them for a career in EvE's many other player corporations. You can read more about Welcome_to_EVE_University.

If you are looking to join EVE University, please follow the procedure below. Ensure you complete all the steps or it will delay your application!

If you are a member already and want to add another character to the corporation, please check out Adding additional characters or Adding Alt Characters that are on different accounts.

An overview of the Application process

1. Download and install Mumble and Discord. These are used for voice communication during fleets, general in-corp communication and our classes.

2. Authorise your character in the EVE University Portal and fill out the application form.

3 Wait for your application to be reviewed by an Intake Officer, this process may take up to 48 hours. While you wait, set up your Overview according to E-UNI standards.

4. After your application has been reviewed, you will get an in-game mail (EVEmail) with any next steps. Most applicants will be invited to join immediately, in rare cases you may need to attend an interview.

Intake Officers are volunteers who enjoy playing actively just like you do. We cannot guarantee they will be processing applications while online. Please be patient, and if you have any problems, contact the Manager of Intake and Progression.

Applying to join EVE University - Walkthrough
