Archive:Wartime Standard Operating Procedures

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During war-time, EVE University and Ivy League uses a set of guidelines known as the 'Standard Operating Procedures' (SOP), typically referred to as "the War SOP". Students are required to follow these rules, and are encouraged to read our tips on how to survive during wartime.

These rules, along with our tip section, are based on years of experience, and are intended to keep members safe until they know better and impart the knowledge necessary to survive. To that end, the SOP is intended to:

  • Give valuable tips to our members to keep them safe.
  • Offer guidelines on how to operate during wartime.

When selecting what activities you chose to participate in, and what ships you chose to fly, please try to make choices that will help

  • avoid losses of helpless non-combat ships,
  • avoid losses of poorly-fitted ships, and
  • avoid losses of high-value ships.

Below are the guidelines and individual details.

Rules for Ship Selection

You may fly...

Students may fly almost any ship they want (except supercapitals) at any time, even in war. BUT: before you are a Graduate, you shouldn't lose certain ships to wartargets.

T3 ships, along with Faction modules and ships are encouraged not to be flown until you are a sophomore, and Unique/Pirate modules and ships are encouraged not to be flown until you are a graduate. This is so you have enough experience to tell when and why these ships and modules should be used. They are meant to augment the abilities of skilled players, not make up for a lack of skillpoints. You may fly them at any point in your Uni career, but there may be consequences if you lose these to wartargets while flying before the recommend title. Losing them to anyone else or when you have the title is totally fine.

If you are unsure of what classification a ship, module, or rig would fit in (T1, T2, faction, pirate, unique, etc.), just ask.

Ship Reimbursement

For details on our ship reimbursement program, please read these notes.


Reading the tables assumes that you understand these terms. If you don't, try here.

A more detailed listing of ships, modules, and rigs is here.

Ship Table

Type of Ship No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate Notes
T1 (Including Capitals) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T2 Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T3 Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Faction Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Faction ships are produced by the 4 main empire navies.
Pirate Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Pirate ships are those with dual-race skill bonuses, which are those produced by the NPC pirate corporations and Sisters of Eve.
Unique Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png The Zephyr can be used by younger players in wormholes.
Supercapitals Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png These can be used with Director authorization

Module Table

Type of Module No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate
T1 or T2 Modules (Meta 0-5) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Faction Modules (Meta 6-8) Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Deadspace and Officer Modules (Meta 9+) Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png

Rigs Table

Type of Rig No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate
T1 (Meta 0) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T2 (Meta 5) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png

Loot from War Targets

All loot and salvage from 'war targets' (and only wartargets) is considered property of the Logistics Department. The closest pilot to the wreck has permission to loot and salvage at the Fleet Commanders discretion, and members must not rush to the wreck hoping to get the loot. This loot should be passed to a tanked ship to return to HQ at the end of the fleet op. At HQ, the FC may divert some of the loot to help cover losses or fuel use in his own fleet. Any left over spoils are to be deposited into the WarLoot container in the Alpha Hangar. Fleet and Wing Commanders will keep track of this, if you are found to be stealing you will be punished.

  • 1. Required: Try to return any objects looted from Uni losses to their original owner
  • 2. Optional: May be done by you or a designated fleet member. Look at the ships lost on your fleet. Using killboard values, split up loot so that people who lost a ship get at least some loot to help cover their loss (up to the price of the ship). Be fair. You may show preference to ship types, but not to individual pilots.
  • 3. Required: Any remaining loot (or all loot if you skipped step 2) is to be placed in the WarLoot container in the Alpha Hangar at HQ. If you feel it is not safe to return the loot to aldrat, create an item exchange contract to "reimbursement manager" from where you are.

Travel Advisories

Read the guidelines for Travel Advisories.

Tips to Survive

Read our tips on how to survive during wartime.

Requests for Clarification

All requests for clarification must be made directly to the Student Guidance Department. Should they not be able to assist then they will defer to the Directors. If in doubt, avoid the element which is unclear until clarified. You may also post questions in the thread "WSOP questions go here." Please don't initiate forum posts questioning the WSOP as this often leads to misinformation, arguments and confusion for all.

Consequences can be reviewed in the Student Guidance Department wiki under point 7 of "I screwed up with the WSOP. What can I expect?"

Wartime Checklist