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(general blurb about skills category)

Capital Energy Emission Systems

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Capital Shield Emission Systems

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Capital Shield Operation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

EM Shield Compensation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Energy Emission Systems

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Energy Grid Upgrades

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Energy Management

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Energy Pulse Weapons

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Energy Systems Operation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none


(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Explosive Shield Compensation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Kinetic Shield Compenstation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Shield Compensation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Shield Emission Systems

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Shield Management

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Shield Operation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Shield Upgrades

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Tactical Shield Manipulation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none

Thermic Shield Compensation

(copy/paste info-box description to here)

  • Attribute: pri/sec (?x)
  • Prerequisites: none