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The Engineering category contains capacitor support skills, and capacitor warfare skills.

The following are the skills in the Engineering section (in alphabetical order):

Attributes (Primary, Secondary) Skill (Multiplier) Purpose Alpha Limit
Perception, Willpower Advanced Weapon Upgrades (6x) Reduces powergrid need of turrets and launchers. ◼◼◼▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Capacitor Emission Systems (2x) Allows use of energy nosferatu, energy neutralizers, and energy transfer arrays. Bonus to cap use of these modules. ◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Capacitor Management (3x) Bonus to capacitor capacity. ◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Capacitor Systems Operation (1x) Allows use of cap boosters, Energy System Operations modules. Reduces capacitor recharge time. ◼◼◼▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Capital Capacitor Emission Systems (10x) Allows use of Capital Energy Transfer Arrays. Bonus to Capital Energy Emissions System modules cap use. ▨▨▨▨▨
Intelligence, Memory CPU Management (1x) Bonus to ship CPU. ◼◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Electronics Upgrades (2x) Allows fitting of electronics upgrades modules. Reduced Electronic Upgrade Module CPU use. ◼◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Energy Grid Upgrades (2x) Allows use of Energy Grid Upgrade modules. Reduces CPU cost of these modules. ◼◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Energy Pulse Weapons (2x) Allows use of smartbombs. Reduces smartbomb cycle time. ◼◼▨▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Nanite Interfacing (3x) Increases damaged module repair amount. ▨▨▨▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Nanite Operation (2x) Decreases nanite consumption. ▨▨▨▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Power Grid Management (1x) Bonus to ship powergrid. ◼◼◼◼◼
Intelligence, Memory Resistance Phasing (3x) Reduces cycle time & capacitor need of reactive armor hardeners. ▨▨▨▨▨
Intelligence, Memory Thermodynamics (3x) Enables overheating. Reduces damage from overheating. ◼◼◼◼
Perception, Memory Weapon Upgrades (2x) Reduces CPU use of turrets and launchers. ◼◼◼◼◼

Skill Details

Icon skillbook2.png Advanced Weapon Upgrades

Reduces the powergrid needs of weapon turrets and launchers by 2% per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 6x
Isk.png Price: 1M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Weapon Upgrades IV
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Icon skillbook2.png Doomsday Operation; Icon skillbook2.png Marauders; Icon skillbook2.png Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration
Notes.png Notes: Note that this skill also applies to missile launchers (rockets / missiles / cruise missiles / torpedoes) and not just guns.The cumulative effect of WU V and AWU to IV really makes a difference to fitting, especially when you start encountering the greater fitting demands of T2 equipment.

Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Emission Systems

Operation of energy transfer array and other capacitor emission systems. 5% reduced capacitor need of energy emission weapons per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 75k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management III, Science II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Small Energy Nosferatus/Neutralizers; Tech 1 and Faction Remote Capacitor Transmitters
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Tech 1 and Faction Medium Energy Nosferatus/Neutralizers
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Tech 1 and Faction Heavy Energy Nosferatus/Neutralizers; Small Energy Nosferatu/Neutralizer II; Praetor EV-900; Acolyte EV-300; Infiltrator EV-600
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Tech 2 Remote Capacitor Transmitters; Medium Energy Nosferatu/Neutralizer II; Tech 1 and Faction Capital Energy Nosferatus/Neutralizers
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Heavy Energy Nosferatu/Neutralizer II; Capital Energy Nosferatu/Neutralizer II; Icon skillbook2.png Capital Capacitor Emission Systems
Notes.png Notes: The governing skill for energy neutralizers, energy vampires and energy transfer arrays. Neutralizers and vampires are useful utility modules in PvP, particularly small gang or solo PvP, so PvP pilots will find this skill helpful. Energy transfer can be key to certain kinds of logistics ship fits.

Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Management

Skill at regulating your ship's overall energy capacity. 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 200k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management III
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Tech 1 and Faction Micro Auxiliary Power Cores
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Thermodynamics
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Assault Cruisers
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Notes.png Notes: Key capacitor support skill, useful for everyone. Getting it to V takes a little while because of the x3 multiplier, but is worth it in the long run.

Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Systems Operation

Skill at operating your ship's capacitor, including the use of capacitor boosters and other basic energy modules. 5% reduction in capacitor recharge time per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 60k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management I
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech I and Faction Capacitor Boosters
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: 'Seed' Micro Capacitor Booster I
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Small Capacitor Booster II
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Medium/Heavy/Capital Capacitor Booster II
Notes.png Notes: Another important capacitor support skill which makes your capacitor more resilient. A short train to level V.

Icon skillbook2.png Capital Capacitor Emission Systems

Operation of capital remote capacitor transmitters and other capacitor emission systems. 5% reduced capacitor need of capital capacitor emission systems per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 10x
Isk.png Price: 10M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management V; Capacitor Emission Systems V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Capital Capacitor Transmitters
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter II

Icon skillbook2.png CPU Management

Basic understanding of spaceship sensory and computer systems. 5% Bonus to ship CPU output per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: none
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 Cargo Scanners; Tech 1 Ship Scanners; Tech 1 Survey Scanners; Storyline and Faction Signal Amplifiers; Icon skillbook2.png Electronic Warfare; Icon skillbook2.png Target Management; Icon skillbook2.png Signature Analysis; Icon skillbook2.png Survey; Icon skillbook2.png Structure Electronic Systems
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Ship Scanner II; Cargo Scanner II; Survey Scanner II; Basic Co-Processor; Icon skillbook2.png Long Range Targeting; Icon skillbook2.png Electronics Upgrades
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Frequency Modulation; Icon skillbook2.png Target Painting; Icon skillbook2.png Sensor Linking; Icon skillbook2.png Weapon Disruption; Icon skillbook2.png Propulsion Jamming
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png Magnetometric Sensor Compensation; Icon skillbook2.png Gravimetric Sensor Compensation; Icon skillbook2.png Ladar Sensor Compensation; Icon skillbook2.png Radar Sensor Compensation; Icon skillbook2.png Signature Masking; Icon skillbook2.png Cloaking; Icon skillbook2.png Long Distance Jamming; Icon skillbook2.png Signal Dispersion; Icon skillbook2.png Signal Suppression; Icon skillbook2.png Weapon Destabilization; Icon skillbook2.png Signature Focusing
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Icon skillbook2.png Nanite Engineering; Icon skillbook2.png Electromagnetic Physics; Icon skillbook2.png Electronic Engineering; Icon skillbook2.png Cynosural Field Theory
Notes.png Notes: A vital fitting skill which any combat pilot should train to V. Also the prerequisite for many of the other skills in this category.

Icon skillbook2.png Electronics Upgrades

Skill at installing Electronic upgrades, such as signal amplifiers, co-processors and backup sensor arrays. 5% reduction of CPU needs for all modules requiring Electronics Upgrades per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 100k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: CPU Management II; Power Grid Management II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 Signal Amplifiers; Tech 1 and Faction Co-Processors
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Hacking
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Co-Processor II
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Signal Amplifier II; Icon skillbook2.png Recon Ships; Icon skillbook2.png Covert Ops; Icon skillbook2.png Expedition Frigates
Notes.png Notes: A useful skill which makes some modules easier to fit. Level IV is required for T2 co-processors, level V for T2 signal amplifiers.

Icon skillbook2.png Energy Grid Upgrades

Skill at installing power upgrades e.g. capacitor battery and power diagnostic units. 5% reduction in CPU needs of modules requiring Energy Grid Upgrades per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 79k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management II; Science I
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Small/Medium Cap Batteries; 'Basic' Capacitor Power Relay; 'Basic' Shield Flux Coil; 'Basic' Capacitor Flux Coil; Basic Reactor Control Unit; 'Basic' Shield Power Relay; 'Basic' Power Diagnostic System
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Tech 1 and Faction Cap Rechargers; Tech 1 and Faction Shield Flux Coils; Tech 1 and Faction Reactor Control Units; Tech 1 and Faction Capacitor Power Relays; Tech 1 and Faction Power Diagnostic Systems; Tech 1 and Faction Large/Capital Cap Batteries; Tech 1 and Faction Shield Power Relays; Small Cap Battery II
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Tech 1 and Storyline Capacitor Flux Coils; Cap Recharger II; Tech 2 and Storyline Medium Cap Batteries
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Capacitor Flux Coil II; Shield Flux Coil II; Shield Power Relay II; Capacitor Power Relay II; Power Diagnostic System II; Tech 2 and Storyline Large Cap Batteries; Capital Cap Battery II
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Reactor Control Unit II; Bastion Module I; Icon skillbook2.png Marauders; Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Assault Cruisers
Notes.png Notes: Useful fitting requirement reduction for certain modules.

Icon skillbook2.png Energy Pulse Weapons

Skill at using smartbombs. 5% decrease in smartbomb duration per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 130k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: II
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management II; Science II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Smartbombs
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Tech 2 Micro Smartbombs
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Tech 2 Small Smartbombs
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Tech 2 Medium Smartbombs
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Tech 2 Large Smartbombs; Icon skillbook2.png Doomsday Operation
Notes.png Notes: Note that the increased cycle speed of smartbombs with this skill at high levels means more DPS, but also more cap use.

Icon skillbook2.png Nanite Interfacing

Improved control of general-purpose repair nanites, usually deployed in a paste form. 20% increase in damaged module repair amount per second.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 5M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Nanite Operation III
Notes.png Notes: Nanite paste can be used to repair module damage from overheating on the fly, while in space. This skill speeds up those repairs. This is a nice skill to have if you're a PvP pilot, but it's not a high priority.

Icon skillbook2.png Nanite Operation

Skill at operating nanites. 5% reduction in nanite consumption per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 1M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Mechanics IV
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Nanite Interfacing
Notes.png Notes: The skill required to use nanite paste to repair module damage from overheating on the fly. The reduction in nanite consumption will save you money in the long run. Good skill for PvP pilots, especially ones who go on longer roams and so rely on paste more.

Icon skillbook2.png Power Grid Management

Basic understanding of spaceship energy grid systems. 5% Bonus to ship's powergrid output per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: None
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Basic and Supplemental Shield Resistance Amplifiers; Civilian Shield Hardeners; 'Micro' Cap Battery; Icon skillbook2.png Shield Operation; Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Systems Operation; Icon skillbook2.png Structure Engineering Systems
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Icon skillbook2.png Energy Pulse Weapons; Icon skillbook2.png Energy Grid Upgrades; Icon skillbook2.png Shield Upgrades; Icon skillbook2.png Electronics Upgrades
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Management; Icon skillbook2.png Shield Management; Icon skillbook2.png Tactical Shield Manipulation; Icon skillbook2.png Shield Emission Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Capacitor Emission Systems
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png Thermodynamics
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Icon skillbook2.png Amarr Core Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Assault Frigates; Icon skillbook2.png Caldari Core Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Capital Capacitor Emission Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Capital Shield Emission Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Capital Shield Operation; Icon skillbook2.png Gallente Core Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Graviton Physics; Icon skillbook2.png High Energy Physics; Icon skillbook2.png Hydromagnetic Physics;Icon skillbook2.png Laser Physics; Icon skillbook2.png Minmatar Core Systems; Icon skillbook2.png Nuclear Physics; Icon skillbook2.png Plasma Physics; Icon skillbook2.png Quantum Physics
Notes.png Notes: The basic skill of this whole category, and a key fitting skill. Quickly trained. 25% more powergrid is a big boost to your ability to fit more, better equipment on your ship.

Icon skillbook2.png Resistance Phasing

Improves control over, and flow between, nano membranes that react to damage by shifting resistances. Reduces cycle time of Reactive Armor Hardeners, Flex Armor Hardeners and Flex Shield Hardeners by 10% per level and capacitor need by 15% per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 500k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Hull Upgrades IV
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Capital Flex Armor/Shield Hardeners
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Capital Flex Armor/Shield Hardener II

Icon skillbook2.png Thermodynamics

Advanced understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Allows you to deliberately overheat a ship's modules in order to push them beyond their intended limit. Also gives you the ability to frown in annoyance whenever you hear someone mention a perpetual motion unit. Reduces heat damage by 5% per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 4.5M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Power Grid Management IV, Capacitor Management III, Science IV
Notes.png Notes: Overheating active modules can have a significant effect in combat: the bonuses offered by overheating range from an increase in the damage output of weapons, larger speed boosts from propulsion modifiers, an increase in the range of certain modules, better resists, an increased rate of repair and more. A higher Thermodynamics skill allows you to overheat modules for longer before burning them out. This skill need not be a priority for a pilot who only flies in everyday PvE combat (missions, ratting). It is however useful in advanced PvE (e.g. running Abyssals), important in PvP, and especially important in small-gang and solo PvP.

Icon skillbook2.png Weapon Upgrades

Knowledge of gunnery computer systems, including the use of weapon upgrade modules. 5% reduction per skill level in the CPU needs of weapon turrets, launchers and smartbombs.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 80k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Gunnery II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Tech 1 and Faction Gyrostabilizers; Tech 1 and Faction Tracking Enhancers; Tech 1 and Faction Heat Sinks; Tech 1 and Faction Drone Damage Amplifiers; Tech 1 and Faction Ballistic Control Systems; Tech 1 and Faction Guidance Enhancers; Tech 1 and Faction Magnetic Field Stabilizers
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Gyrostabilizer II; Tracking Enhancer II; Heat Sink II; Drone Damage Amplifier II; Magnetic Field Stabilizer II; Ballistic Control System II; Missile Guidance Enhancer II; Icon skillbook2.png Advanced Weapon Upgrades
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Assault Cruisers
Notes.png Notes: Note that this skill also applies to missile launchers (rockets / missiles / cruise missiles / torpedoes) and smartbombs and not just guns. A very useful fitting skill which every combat pilot should train.