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Revision as of 21:51, 23 October 2015 by Manasi (talk | contribs) (cleaned up Links)
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Manasi Jump to: navigation, search manasi.jpg Contents [hide]

   1 Bio
   2 Background
   3 Activities
   4 Links

[edit] Bio

Manasi is a veteran of EvE online since 2003. Originally he was a miner in HIgh sec after 2005 I stopped playing till 2007. in 2007 I rejoined EVE and played again till 2011. Manasi has played in Sov warfare (with Systematic Chaos Alliance in Stain, near Delve and the southern Western portion of Null space) he has roamed Low sec with pirates in and around low sec space with XXX from XXXX.

Manasi is a varied pilot capable of piloting Minmatar, Amarr, Caldari and Gallente ships (frigates all the way through Battleships in all races except Gallente)

[edit] Background

I have been playing EVE-Online nice May 28th 2003. I started in 2003 but only played for about 6 months or so and quit until 2005 when I came back and joined a 0.0 corp.

Obviously I am very familiar with 0/0 all the way through HI-Sec space. Mining and running missions, PVE fitting, PVP fitting and general survival is something I know quite a bit about. I entered the Uni to re-learn about the parts of the game that I still considered myself a nub at (Changes since 2011). The Uni is a terrific place to do this.

I am an Systematic Chaos (SYS-K) and Ceptacemia (CEPTA) alumni, and have assisted the former Alliance with recruitment of Corps, corp security, corp relations and website setup and configuration. I have participated in numerous roams and ended up with 742 kills for the lifetime of the zkillboards with 108 losses. [edit] Activities

   EVE University Sophomore
   Systematic Chaos Board Member
   Ceptacemia Alumni
   Created the Blog "A Mule in EvE" for three years from 2008-2011 

[edit] Links

Manasi on Manasi on the E-Uni Killboard