Perfect Refine List

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Template:Member Services


University Service

Currently the University's perfect refine service is inactive (July 2014).

Player Service

The capsuleers below will happily reprocess your materials for you. Make sure to read on for where they can reprocess your stuff, and exactly what they can reprocess for you. Follow the individual instructions.

Joining The "Perfect" Refine List

To join the "perfect" refine list, simply edit your details into this page, preferably in alphabetical order. Make it easily readable, bullet points help. If you charge a fee you must make that clear. Make sure to include:

  • the name of your reprocessing character
  • where you will reprocess ores/ice/etc
  • which corporations you have 0% tax with
  • what you will reprocess (ores/ice/scrapmetal/etc)
  • your skills in the relevant materials (or better, simply your reprocessing % for each material).
  • instructions for people wanting their stuff reprocessed

"Perfect" Refine List

Tal Tracyn

Updated 6th June 2016

All Reprocessing skills at V + Ice

Access to a POS refineing array (52% refine). Implant Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (4%). Scrap Metal will not go into the POS array. Based in Amygnon, can be found in HSC chat.


Updated 28 December 2015

All Reprocessing Skills at V

Standings with Garoun Investement Bank 6.95 Standings with Pator Tech School: 6.71

Ion Duke

Updated: 01 June 2016

Perfect refine: all ores + ice + scrap (Reprocessing V, Reprocessing Efficiency V, Ore Processing skills at V, Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%).

Taxfree with:

Aliastra, Brutor Tribe, Caldari Business Tribunal, Core Complexion, Expert Distribution, Internal Security, Kaalakiota Corp, Minmatar Mining Corporation, Nugoeihuvu Corp, Pator Tech School, Republic Justice Department, Republic Parliament, Republic Security Services, Sisters Of Eve, Six Kin Development, TransStellar Shipping.

Please ensure that the station you are putting the contract up in has 50% base refining (use dotlan to check), set the contract for 2 weeks and eve mail me the contract link.

I spend my time split between the various regions of empire space so if unsure if i am near Slays or Amygnon, or any other region in empire, check via convo or evemail, as I am generally willing to travel to help new players out.

Edward Audeles

Updated: Dec 26 2016

  • Perfect refine: Gallente hisec ores (see below) and scrapmetal: Reprocessing V, Reprocessing Efficiency V, Ore Processing skills at V, Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%).
  • Pretty good refine: remaining ores
  • In the process of adding more ores to the "perfect" list
Perfect: Pretty good:

Taxfree with: Federal Intelligence Office, e.g. at Vecodie II - Federal Intelligence Office Testing Facilities and Boystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant

Mostly able to handle refining for people in Solitude. Best way of getting in touch: Solitude Slack or in-game channel Solitude.E-UNI

"Pretty Good" Refine List

Torg Navatin, Aldrat-area

Reprocessing V, Reprocessing Efficiency IV, and at least II or III on the particular ores already give me a "better than Hek"-output, plus I'm still training (Jaspet, Kernite, and Ombre first). If you need your stuff refined in Aldrat PTS, convo me or contract a station container. if you have a hauler, we can also move it in bulk to Harmonia with two ships.

Henko Nahakkivu / Aldrat Area

Updated: 4. Feb 2015

Pretty good refine:

Currently working to train ore reprocessing skills to IV first, then ore reprocessing skills to V next.

Tax efficient: Caldari Business Tribunal (0,77% tax)

I'm using the reprocessing array of Harmonia, so the area of operation is currently restricted to Aldrat. If you need the refining service, please ... send an EVEmail for details; ... or contract the ore in a container to me; ... or contact me (Operation Fortress standing fleet, Aldrat-channel, Industry-channel) for 'on the fly' reprocessing at Harmonia. The service is free of charge!