User:Torr Victros/Old user page/New Member Orientation

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This page is a candidate for deletion.
Reason: Redundant and already incorporated into Introduction to Eve University


This is a syllabus for the "New Member Orientation" class targeted at new members of EVE University with the purpose of helping them settle in and start participating in the University.

Class Information

This section contains the standard information of this class pertaining to scheduling and class contents. The General Information should be sufficient to create a proper class topic for scheduling on the EVE University forum. Additional information relevant to the teacher is listed under Notes for the Teacher.

General Information

Text for an advertisement for this class on the EVE University forum:

[size=150][color=#FFFF00][b]New Member Orientation[/b][/color][/size]


This class is a basic orientation for new members of EVE University. 
It should last around 20 minutes with a Q & A period following.

[color=#FFFF00]Topics covered:[/color][list]
[*] What to do first
[*] Communications in EVE University - Forum/Calendar/Mumble/Wiki
[*] EVE University Services and how to make use of them
[*] Participating in EVE University fleets and events
[*] Campuses
[*] Wartime in EVE University
[*] Titles and Progression
[*] Q&A - bring your questions about the UNI and how to get the most from your experience here

[color=#FFFF00]Student requirements:[/color][list]
[*] Connection to the Public Mumble Server - please have your Mumble access sorted out well in advance of the class! Use this guide to set up Mumble:
[*] Joining the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel

[color=#FFFF00]Questions?[/color] Post here in this thread.

Notes for the Teacher

Required materials:

  • Lecture.E-UNI chat channel, to receive questions and post relevant links from this syllabus.
  • A slideshow presentation to accompany this class can be found on the EVE University slideshow viewer:

Welcome! (Instructor should then introduce himself or herself - covering relevant experience level and background.)

  • This class is designed primarily for new members of EVE University

Some basic information for this class:

  • You should be docked up safely or otherwise non-distracted
  • Please configure your Mumble settings for "Push to Talk" if you have not already done so.
  • Feel free to type any questions in the Lecture.E-UNI chat channel as we proceed

What To Do First

Communications in EVE University

(Slide 4)


Relevant link: Mumble
  • We have two mumble servers - public and private.
  • You do not need a microphone to benefit from Mumble.
  • Some mumble channels have rules, such as "only campus members allowed", and active fleets will only allow current fleet members, so be sure you are allowed before joining a channel.
  • Mumble should be family-friendly, as per the rest of EVE University. On-demand channels can be non-PG provided they are clearly marked and everyone agrees.

Chat Channels

Relevant link: Chat Channels and Mailing Lists
  • The "Corp" channel is used to request skillbook reimbursement and to request items from our hangars.
  • The "Alliance" channel is used for forming fleets and also making announcements about fleets, classes or events happening soon.
  • The "Mess.ILN" channel is used for general chat about PVP. If you need a fit, or have questions about joining a fleet, this is the best place to ask.
  • The "Chat.E-UNI" channel is the general chat channel for EVE University, as well as where new members are welcomed into the Corporation. You can ask general questions in here.
  • The "Q&A.E-UNI" channel is a chat-free question and answer channel. You can ask any type of questions here, and since there is no chat it may be easier to get an answer.
  • The "LiveIntel.ILN" channel is our channel for reporting intel on war targets. Read the Message of the Day for instructions on how to post information. There is also a handy "Intel map" which you can use to report intel from your current location with one click.
  • There are a load of other chat channels, which are listed in the page linked above.


Relevant link: Forum Index Page
  • The forum is divided up into various sections, some of which have different access permissions
  • From the main page of the forum, look at the icons to the left of each section. EVE logo = public, EVE Uni logo = members and alumni, EVE Uni logo + star on a green background = current members only
  • Every forum post has a button in the bottom right to "report this post". All reports are looked at and dealt with asap.
  • You can add a signature in the User Control Panel section in the top right of the forum.
  • There are options at the top of the main page to review unread posts, new posts etc.
  • There is a button in the top right of the index page to mark all forums as read.


Relevant links: Uniwiki Main Page - Wiki How To Guide
  • The Uniwiki is a valuable source of information. If you need a question answered, check here first.
  • Anyone can edit the Uniwiki - log in at the top right with your forum login details.
  • For instructions on editing the Uniwiki see the above 'How To' page. Editing the Uniwiki is also a great way to show participation for title progression.


  • All pre-scheduled classes, events and fleets are listed in the in-game calendar.
  • To view this click the clock at the bottom of your Neocom.
  • Anyone with the Sophomore title and above can post to the calendar. If you'd like to schedule something and you don't have the required title, contact the relevant department (e.g. teaching, events etc).

EVE University Services

(Slide 5) Template:Member Services More information on all our services can be found in the links to the right ->

Mentor Program

  • This program enables new players to be assigned a more experienced player as a mentor, for some one-on-one assistance.
  • To be eligible you need to have less than 4 months in game and less than 6 million skillpoints.
  • To apply, fill in the short application on the form in the page linked above.
  • They will try to assign you a mentor with a similar time zone and similar interests in game.

Skillbook Reimbursement

  • EVE University will reimburse you for the cost of any skillbooks that cost less than or equal to 1 million ISK.
  • You can claim multiple reimbursements up to a total of 1 mill ISK per day.
  • Once you have the Freshman title you will have access to the skillbook wallet to reimburse yourself.
  • You can still get reimbursed for skillbooks before you have the Freshman title, you just need to ask in the Corp channel and someone else will reimburse you from the skillbook wallet.

Corporation Hangars

  • Our headquarters and all our campuses have hangars which are intended for use by members.
  • The hangars contain a stock of frigates, weapons, modules, ammunition, drones, skillbooks etc.
  • As with the Skillbook Program you can access these when you have the Freshman title.
  • Until you have the Freshman title you will need to ask someone in the Corp channel to help you out.
  • Donations to the hangars are always welcome but please put them in the specific donations hangar.

Ship Replacement Program

  • We want to encourage people to get involved in PVP and go on EVE University fleets. So this program means that, subject to certain conditions, if you lose your ship on an EVE University PVP fleet, we will reimburse you for the cost of the ship.
  • The above link summarises the requirements for each ship type.

Participating in Fleets and Events

(Slide 6)

Attend a Class

Relevant links: [Scheduled Classes Forum] - Classes - Class Library
  • Classes are advertised in various ways, on the in-game calendar, our Scheduled Classes forum, in regular bulletins through the mailing lists and in the Alliance channel before they start.
  • Most of our classes are suitable for new players. If in doubt check any prerequisites in the forum thread.
  • Normally classes are in our public mumble channel with a chat channel in game for questions.
  • You do not need to RSVP for a class, just turn up.
  • We also record a lot of classes so you can listen to them later.

Attend an Event

Relevant link: [Corporation Events Forum]
  • Like with classes, these are advertised in various ways beforehand.
  • Some events will have prerequisites for the ships you have to fly, so plan ahead so you will meet the skill requirements and have the ship ready (sometimes these are provided for you).
  • Again you do not need to RVSP, just turn up.
  • Most events will also be suitable for spectators if you don't feel like joining in.

Go on a Fleet

Relevant links: [Combat Fleets (ILN) Forum] - The Rookie's Guide To Fleet Ops
  • Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you need high SP to get involved in PVP. EVE University has hundreds of new players, so our fleets are newbro friendly.
  • Like classes and events, fleets are often advertised in advance. However, unlike most classes and events we often have spontaneous fleets when a fleet commander feels like taking a fleet out.
  • Fleets labelled as 'Noobs on Patrol' in particular will be suitable for very new players (but they are not the only fleets you can join).
  • Make sure you read any forum thread before joining the fleet, as some fleets may be 'doctrine' fleets, where you have to fly a particular ship. Others will be 'kitchen sink' so you can fly what you want. Almost all fleets will also welcome tackle frigates.
  • If you are a little nervous, make sure you are at the starting destination in plenty of time with the correct ship. If you have any questions about joining the fleet the Mess.ILN channel is a good place to ask.


(Slide 7) Template:On-Going Events

  • EVE University has several campuses, which are groups of EVE Uni members living together in different areas of space.
  • They each have their own community, but they are all part of EVE University.
  • Joining a campus is optional, but also a great way to get involved and meet people.
  • You can join as many campuses as you like and switch between them whenever you want to.
  • See links to right ->

Amarr Mining Campus (AMC)

  • Primarily focused on mining - they run lots of mining fleets as well as doing solo mining.
  • They also do ice mining and gas harvesting (as well as ore mining)
  • They have a buyback service so you can sell your ore to the AMC rather than having to move it to a trade hub.
  • They have several other campus services, including discounted mining ships, ship loans and lotteries.
  • Alts of current members can also join the AMC, so it might be a perfect place to put a mining alt.
  • To join there is a short application form to fill in, but no prerequisites.

High Sec Campus (HSC)

  • Our campus based in high security space. It is close enough to low and null sec space to take part in regular roams.
  • They do both PVE and PVP.
  • They usually have a standing fleet up for members for safety.
  • They have an active mumble channel which is also open to non-members.
  • There are no prerequisites and no application is necessary - just fly to their base station and introduce yourself.

Incursion Community

  • Aims to introduce new players to incursions.
  • For the most part, incursion runners fly very shiny ships, but you can still be useful as a picket until you have the skills and the ISK.
  • They are open to current members, alumni and alts (but you must stick to the EVE University rules)
  • They are nomadic - they go wherever the incursions are.
  • Since EVE University is often at war you will need to have a safe way to move your ships between incursions.
  • There are no title requirements, but make sure you have read up on incursions.

Low Sec Campus (LSC)

  • Provides an understanding of low sec survival.
  • They do lots of PVP but some PVE also.
  • They will help you out with low sec specific game mechanics and help you lose your fear of low sec.
  • They have an extension to EVE University's ship replacement program.
  • They are open to current members and their alts.
  • There are no prerequisites to join - you can just fly down to their base station and introduce yourself. They do have some recommended reading.

Null Sec Campus (NSC)

  • Aims to teach new players about null sec survival.
  • Also do lots of PVP but some PVE as well. PVE in null sec can be extremely lucrative.
  • This campus will help you with null sec specific mechanics (bubbles!) and try and help you shake your fear of null sec.
  • They also have an extension to EVE University's ship replacement program.
  • They also have various other programs, including a freighter service to move your stuff to the campus and an implant replacement program.
  • There are no prerequisites to join - you can just fly down to their base station and introduce yourself. They do have some recommended reading.

Project Solitude

  • Solitude is an island of high sec surrounded by low and null sec and away from the main trade hubs.
  • The idea of Project Solitude is to provide an isolated environment for EVE University members, where they need to learn to be self-sufficient.
  • Project Solitude is close to our other campuses though, so you can still visit them fairly easily.
  • They don't see war targets very often.
  • They have various programs including a coordinated scanning endeavour (to find wormholes), a ship building program and a program to build carriers.
  • There are no prerequisites to join, but be careful getting there - their wiki page should be able to help you out.

Wormhole Campus (WHC)

  • The WHC is designed to teach players about living in a wormhole.
  • They have a permanent presence in a C2 wormhole, which has a static to high sec and a static to a C3 wormhole.
  • Wormholes can also be extremely lucrative - running sites, gas huffing etc.
  • Living in wormhole space is very different to living in know space.
  • This is the only campus which needs a specific title - Sophomore. This is because there are shared ships and assets, and also because it gives you sufficient access to corp bookmarks.
  • They also have some skill prerequisites which are listed on their wiki page.
  • Once you meet the prerequisites there is a short application for you to complete to join.

Wartime in EVE University

(Slide 8)

Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png EVE University offers
classes on:
Relevant links: Tips For War - Wartime Operations in EVE University
  • As you will have noticed, EVE University is usually at war. This is not because we go around declaring war on everyone, but because we are a shiny target.
  • Make sure you familiarise yourself with the Tips for War, linked above. As long as you are sensible, you will be fine.
  • While you are a member, we recommend that you avoid trade hubs and be careful when flying ships which may be an easy target, such as mining or hauling ships.
  • You will need to be very aware of your surroundings - make sure you make the local window visible, use the LiveIntel.ILN channel and Intel Map, and learn to use D-scan and bookmarks (we have classes on these).

Titles and Progression