EVE University Chat Channels

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

EVE University maintains a number of in-game chat channels which are listed below. Members are reminded that they should not create new chat channels ending in .E-Uni, under the EVE University Rules. Official channels are created by the CEO to ensure EVE University can retain control of them if a member leaves. If you require a new 'official' chat channel please contact the CEO.

Public channels

Channel Name Description Who has access Password? Moderators
EVE University (E-UNI) EVE University's public channel, which is used both as a general help channel for anyone to ask questions about EVE Online or EVE University Public No Directors, Managers
Overview (EVE Uni) Used to store the EVE University Overview in the Message of the Day (MOTD) for easy installation Public No Directors only

Member general channels

Channel Name Description Who has access Password? Moderators
Corp Our general chat channel for chatting and questions Corporation members No N/A
Alliance Used for requesting skillbook reimbursement Ivy League Alliance No N/A
Intel (EVE Uni) Our intel channel for reporting intel in or around our Korsiki staging area Ivy League Alliance, Ivy League Alt Alliance No Directors only

Community & Staging Area channels

Communities and staging areas offer our members a wide range of activities and services supported by EVE University. Few of them require specific chat channels, which you can find below.

Channel Name Description Who has access Password? Moderators
Incursions (EVE Uni) Used by the EVE University Incursion Community Those with the password In Corp Bulletins Directors, Community Lead
Wormhole (EVE Uni) Used by the Wormhole Community Alliance members and selected others No Directors, Community Lead
Pochven (EVE Uni) For members who are looking to connect with fellow pochven dwellers across the Uni Those with the password In Corp Bulletins Directors