Mining ship program

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
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Mining Ship Program
Mining Ship Program
Run By:
Quartermaster Department
Where to Access

Stacmon - The Quad
Averon - The Rock
PC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post
Contact Halcyon Clarke

EVE University has volunteers who manufacture items for EVE University and its members. One of the item types members can order is standard fit mining ships.

EVE University members can view the standard fittings under Corporation Fittings in-game. We will supply either the hull or the hull plus fittings (without alterations).

Ships will be contracted to the member in any of the below locations at 100% Jita sell.

As a bonus, every member is entitled to buy any five mining barges at 50% of Jita sell. This offer is limited to five barges per EVE University character.

Supported Locations

  • Korsiki - Horizon

Available ships

The following mining ships are available:


  • Covetor (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)
  • Procurer (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)
  • Retriever (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)


  • Hulk (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)
  • Mackinaw (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)
  • Skiff (T1/T2 - Ore/Ice)

Expedition Frigates

  • Prospect (T1/T2)
  • Endurance (T1/T2)

Industrial Command Ships

  • Porpoise (T1/Wormhole)
  • Orca (T1/T2)

Requesting a mining ship

To request a mining ship at 100% Jita sell complete this form: 100% Jita Sell Mining Ships

To request a half price mining barge (limited to five per character in EVE University) complete this form: Half Price Barges

The item will be contracted to you at the requested location. This normally takes a few days, so please be patient.