The +3 Implants Program

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

EVE University members can take advantage of the +3 Implants Program, which offers one full set of basic +3 implants at a significantly reduced price. The benefit over lower quality implants or no implants at all is quite obvious: faster skill training.

While market prices for +3 implants typically range from 9–10 million ISK each, EVE University offers them for just 5.25 million ISK per implant or 26.25 million ISK for a full set.

However, thanks to the generosity of current members, these implants are currently(As of 8 January) available for free until the donated funds are exhausted.

Requirements to Participate

To be able to benefit from the lower price your character must:

... hold the Student title

How to Participate

  1. Fill out this Request Form and include the list of implants you'd like to acquire.
  2. Select either "Full Set" OR the names of the implants you want.
  3. Wait for a private contract issued by the Implant Contract Character that includes your requested implants. The price will be 5.25 mil for each. Please note that depending on implant stock, processing times can be up to 7 days.
  4. The pick up location of the implants will always be Korsiki - Horizon.

Other Rules and Notes

  • If you have any questions regarding the program send them to the Program Manager in game or on Discord. Do not request implants in this manner.
  • This program is restricted to 5 implants per EVE University character, which means you can apply with alt character in EVE University.
  • These implants are for your personal use only, you must not sell or trade them. Storing them in a Jump Clone is allowed though.
  • Do not abuse the program by asking for multiple sets per character. For now you can request one full set per character in EVE University.
  • Your character requires Cybernetics to use these implants.

Program Manager

Lesson Learned
Frozen corpse.png

Keeping your Implants safe is an important skill to learn for new players!

The implant program is administered by the Quartermaster's Department within the Logistics Directorate

Donating specifically to the Program

If you want to donate ISK or implants directly to the program, send donations to Ivy League Alliance Holdings with +3 Implants in the description. We would request that any implants are donated at Korsiki - Horizon.