User:Edward kurvora
Graduate - For having been awarded the Graduate Medal in game.
File:Ribbon-Resolute Sentinel.jpg Resolute Sentinel - For having been awarded the Resolute Sentinel Medal in game.
File:Ribbon-Diplomat.jpg Diplomat - Serve as a diplomat for at least three months, bringing peace to the Empire.
Ensign - Hold the Rank of Ensign in the ILN.
File:Ribbon-Tour of Duty.jpg Tour of Duty - For Serving as an officer in the Ivy League Navy for 3 months.
File:Ribbon-LSFighter.jpg Lowsec Fighter - Have 100 kills in lowsec.
File:Ribbon-HSFighter.jpg Highsec Fighter - Have 100 kills in highsec.
A Class Above - Attend or listen to 20 classes. You can check here.
Scourge of Highsec - Flying in a blackbird in 30 fleets.
File:Ribbon-Close Call.jpg Close Call - For escaping while you ship is on fire (have structure damage).
Order of the Navy Megathron – Participate in a Dragonslayer which resulted in a slay.
File:Ribbon-SovNull.jpg Big Blue - Participate in an Uni organized operation that traveled and operated in sovereign nullsec.
Fight the Man - Participate in a CCP live event.
Nullsec Voyager - Travel through nullsec, entering through one system, and leaving through a different one.
File:Ribbon-WHVoyager.jpg Wormhole Voyager - Scan down and travel into w-space, through it, and exit into a different k-space system
File:Ribbon-WarVoyager.jpg War Vet - Have experienced a significant wardec where the defcon level was raised to "Defcon 1" for at least a week while in the Uni.
Basic Training - Attend a Fleets 101 class (or equivalent), your overview properly set up, and a combat ship ready.
File:Ribbon-Resolute Sentinel.jpg
File:Ribbon-Diplomat.jpg File:Ribbon-Tour of Duty.jpg
File:Ribbon-LSFighter.jpg File:Ribbon-HSFighter.jpg