EVE University

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Eve University
Ticker E-UNI
Alliance Ivy League
CEO Kelduum Revaan
Director(s) Miraki Alsento (Communications)
Irdalth Delrar (Diplomacy)
Kyrlin DiShai (Intelligence)
Metadog (Personnel)
Eskona Runningstar (POS)
Silentbrick (Fleet Admiral)
Dierdra Vaal (Education)
Azmodeus Valar (Logistics)
Founded on March 15, 2004
Headquarters Aldrat IX - Pator Tech School
Public Channel E-UNI
Website Eve University
Alliances The Big Blue
Former CEOs Morning Maniac

Eve University is a neutral, non-profit training corporation in EVE Online that exists to train new players in the basics of life in New Eden. Founded on March 15, 2004 at 14:33 by Morning Maniac, the University continues to uphold a strong reputation through previous wars, robust management, knowledgeable graduates and instructors, and quality students. The heart of the corporation resides in teamwork through wars, events, and cooperative help in the chat channel.

Eve University is a founding member of the Ivy League Alliance.

Declaration of Principles

All capsuleers have an unrelenting desire for more;
more strength, more space, more ISK, more power.

Many will take from others; without hesitation or mercy, without compassion or regret.

Every day new capsuleers are born. But New Eden is a harsh place, and many are unprepared.

In YC 105, one man recognised that 'more' did not have to be the only objective;
that these new pilots are important, and enabling knowledge is worthwhile.

That man was Morning Maniac, and he founded a corporation,
Eve University, under entirely altruistic principles.

He created a place to learn, a place to teach, a place where the person
is more important than the skillpoints, and 'more' is not the driving force.

With its members freely teaching each other, they benefited from each other’s experience.
Many moved on, but not before they imparted the knowledge they had gained.

And as the word spread and members passed through the corporations doors, it became something else.

What once was a small corporation has become a community, transcending all
language, cultural and regional barriers, with alumni all over New Eden.

It had become something that will endure until the last of the stars goes dark.

Here, gathered under a common cause, we agree to recognise that together, as a community,
we can teach those new generations of capsuleers.

Together, we can prepare them better than any guides or agents can.

Together, we can give them the best start possible, without limiting their options.

Together, we can instil in them the skills needed not only to survive, but to be successful.

We do this not for power, or influence, or money.

We do this because we too recognise that 'more' does not have to be the solitary goal.

We do this because we are Eve University.

War History

The reputation of Eve University primarily derived from its participation in wars as they have often been the defining moments for the University.

The First War

Approximately a year after its' establishment, Eve University fought its first war with the Serial Warfare corporation, made of six veteran PvP pilots. These pilots camped Eve University headquarters, killing pilots that undock. The EVE community backed Eve University in its defeat of Serial Warfare through intelligence data, advice, and joint operations.

Huff Technologies

The war with Huff Technologies, a corporation of approximately 50 members, caught many University pilots off guard, and pilots quickly docked into stations. The EVE community once again supported the University and flamed Huff Technologies, putting an immense amount of pressure on Huff Technologies to the point that withdrawing from the war would become a huge embarrassment. The best fleet commanders in EVE joined Eve University to help defeat Huff's pilots, growing the University's reputation. After two months of war, EVE university prevailed by letting Huff retreat and save face.

The Big Blue Chapter

The Big Blue Alliance was started by the N.A.G.A. Corporation, one of the biggest Tech II industrialists at the time. Eve University is a founding member of the alliance, providing manpower to N.A.G.A. in which they lacked. The Four Horseman corporation joined with the alliance, becoming the main PvP force. N.A.G.A. attempted to create a safe-zone 0.0 space, with The Four Horseman and Eve University policing the area. At this time, the alliance held the policy of "Not Red, Dont Shoot", similar to the one held by the Ivy League Alliance today.

N.A.G.A. Corporation secretively established one of EVE's first capital shipyards, sparking the interest of Band of Brothers. The Mercenary Coalition were hired by Band of Brothers to attack Big Blue, triggering a large, exhausting war. MC was successful in destroying the shipyard, and also reduced the structure of Big Blue into pieces. During the war, Eve University's newer players struggled to adapt to PvP, with instructors focused on defending the remnants of Germinate space. The University eventually withdrew into empire space to rebuild.

Being one of the main police and PvP force of the alliance, many of the kills are recorded on the Big Blue alliance killboard. A depiction of the Big Blue alliance can also be seen here.