The Rogue Slave Trader (Sansha's Nation) (1 of 2)

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name=The Rogue Slave Trader (1 of 2), Level 4 Template:Survival copy

Faction: Sansha Nation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace

Damage dealt: EM/ Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: EM/ Thermal

Webifier/ Warp Disruptor: Sansha's Demon/ Berserker

Recommended ship classes: Battleship, Command Ship, HAC.
Video: [Raven Navy Issue]

Single Pocket

The Sansha Slaver battleship will spawn (near the Beacon) 10 minutes after warp-in.

Initial Group (42-52km, Slave Pen):

Auto aggro. 4x Frigate (Sansha's Demon/ Berserker) Webifier
2x Battlecruiser (Centatis Devil)
1x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/ Dread Lord)

Single Spawn (2-4km, Beacon):

1x Battleship (Sansha Slaver/ Centus Tyrant)

Warp in to preferred distance. Kill or ignore the initial group and destroy the Slave Pen. Pickup the Prisoners and warp out.

Don't forget to destroy the Slave Pen (40km) and pickup the Prisoners, you may want to fit an Afterburner or use a Tractor Beam. When the Spawn [finally] arrives he will attack the Noctis salvaging, be prepared or just don't bother waiting for it.

32x Veldspar asteroids (41- 57km, 279K units)

Loot and Bounty:
Loot + Salvage: [1.5 mil]
Bounty: 2.5 mil

Downing The Slavers (2 of 2)

Faction: Sansha Nation.
Mission type: Encounter.
Space type: Deadspace with gate.

Damage dealt: EM, Thermal.
Recommended damage dealing: EM, Thermal.

Webifier/ Warp Disruptor: Elite Frigate.

Recommended ship classes: Battleship, Command Ship, HAC, Strategic Cruiser.
Video: [Raven Navy Issue].

Template:Color hex=": The incoming DPS is fairly heavy. Make sure your ship has a proper tank or fit a Micro Jump Drive to snipe.

Initial Gate

Auto aggro from the group guarding the acceleration gate. Eliminate all ships to unlock the gate.

Single Group (17- 25km):

1x Elite Cruiser (Centum Controller aka Centum Loyal Fiend/ Hellhound)
3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Phantasm/ Specter)
2x Battleships (Centus Lord/ Slave Lord)

Deadspace Pocket

Tower Group (24- 25km):

Auto aggro. 2x Sansha Stasis Tower
2x Sansha Sentry Gun
4x Sansha Heavy Missile Battery
2x Sansha Cruise Missile Battery

Ship Group (22- 25km):

Auto aggro. 3x Elite Frigate (Sansha's Demon/ Berserker) Webifier
2x Elite Cruiser (Sansha Slaver aka Centum Loyal Hellhound/ Fiend)
3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Specter/ Wraith)
1x Battleship (Centus Slave Lord/ Plague Lord/ Savage Lord)

Clear the initial group to unlock the acceleration gate. Kill the two Sansha Slaver Elite Cruisers, done.

Take out the Missile Towers and Battlecruisers first, to reduce incoming DPS. For transverse tank, primary targets are the webifier Frigates and Towers. Eliminate them as quickly as possible using your drones. Heavy Missile Batteries can aggro multiple ships simultaneously.

Initial Gate: 14x Veldspar (940K units), 10x Scordite (250K units) asteroids (5- 31km).

Loot and Bounty:
Loot + Salvage: [2.3 mil.]
Bounty: 3.4 mil.