Fynnir Torsont

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Nina Darrchien is a level 4 Sisters of EVE mission agent in Minmatar COSMOS located at Sister Camp in Traun.

Requiem For A Peace - Sacrament (1 of 3)

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Transport 600x Infected Refugees (600m³)
Rewards ISK
Mission briefing
Welcome to this humble refugee camp operated by us, the Sisters of EVE. I am Fynnir Torsont, please call me Fynnir. We're swamped here at the camp and I'm on the lookout for volunteers of gentle spirit to lend aid.

Even if no one will admit it, there is a war raging here in Traun. Every day numerous skirmishes take place all over the system. I have no idea which side is winning, if any. If there are any sides, that is. No one seems to know who exactly is fighting whom. There are Republic forces here, Minmatar freedom fighters, Angel Cartel pirates, Thukker tribe nomads, Amarrians, you name it. We Sisters of EVE try to stay impartial in this chaos, it is often hard and always thankless. But someone needs to care for the weak, and I don't see the empires volunteering anything.

Every war, no matter the scale, always has its share of atrocities and this one is no different. I can't even start describing them, its too long and too sad a tale. Yet one requires mentioning. Recently a group of refugees arrived here in the camp. They are workers from an independent asteroid colony in a distant part of the system. When they arrived some of them showed symptoms of some unidentified illness and thus they were quarantined. Now, all of them are sick, many dying, or are already dead.

We don't have the resources here in the camp to determine what is causing this illness, but I have my suspicions. I don't think any of the factions slugging it out here are beneath chemical warfare and I fear that may be the case here. But investigating those suspicions must wait for another time. What matters now is getting the infected refugees to our station in the Lanngisi system, where they can be properly treated. Or at least receive their last rites in some peace and quiet. Time is of the essence here, their condition is grim and grows worse by the hour. If you're willing to take the task of ferrying some of them over to the Lanngisi system I will reward you well, but you can earn much more if you get them all there safely in just 40 minutes. Oh, and don't worry, they will be properly quarantined on the journey too.

Requiem For A Peace - Sepulture (2 of 3)

Requiem For A Peace - Sacrament (2 of 3)

Requiem For A Peace - The Redemption (3 of 3)

Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 1x Sample of Septicemic Agent (0.5 m³)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 3 run storyline BPC + Servant Sisters of EVE faction standing
Mission briefing
Your work has been of immense value to us, <Pilot>. Not to mention the service you're doing the world. Not that it will thank you, mind you. It's something us Sisters get used to. Anyway, our scientists are already pouring over the formula you brought us. I hope they will be able to come up with an antidote soon so the threat can be neutralized.

I'm still trying to get to the bottom of who hired the doomed colonists to manufacture the viral agent. There are many candidates, but I'm especially interested in one group. They call themselves the Cybertrons. Pretty lame name if you ask me. They hang out at the local contested complex, though I think they're only loosely connected to the cartel. Might be some Amarr lord is behind this mysterious group, but I can't be sure.

I need some proof that the Cybertrons are behind this. Then I can approach the appropriate authorities with my knowledge and hope they do something about it. Or deal with them the Sister's way. Let's not get into that. The Cybertrons are pretty tough, so I'll understand if you decline to take them on. But if you're willing, I'll give you a rare BPC as a reward. Start taking these Cybertron guys down until one of them drops something I can use against them.

The mission objective is a random drop from Cybertron Patrol/Sentry/Watchman in Contested Minmatar Army Complex - Overrun Security Corridor.

Aggro is shared for the same subtype; e.g., when you aggro a Cybertron Patrol, all the other Patrols will aggro as well, but not the other Cybertrons.