Talk:Skill Farming

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Revision as of 10:47, 30 March 2020 by Cochise DCVI (talk | contribs)
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This is going a bit too far with the number of links included. Generally speaking the Wikipedia manual of style works well for our wiki too. So I'll jsut quote it.

"In adding or removing links, consider an article's place in the knowledge tree. Internal links can add to the cohesion and utility of Wikipedia, allowing readers to deepen their understanding of a topic by conveniently accessing other articles. Ask yourself, "How likely is it that the reader will also want to read that other article?" Consider including links where readers might want to use them; for example, in article leads, at the openings of new sections, in the cells of tables, and in image captions. But note below that as a rule of thumb editors should only link the term's first occurrence in the text of the article."

Repeating links to same place is also not good. It makes the article look very cluttered and forces the reader to mentally track what links they have already seen.

Hirmuolio Pine (talk) 17:20, 29 March 2020 (UTC)

Re: Links

Wow, quick and perceptive feedback. Thank you! TBH your comments are a bit of a relief. Couldn't find a doc converter that parsed all those links correctly, so I was entering them all by hand. Time-consuming and distracting. Hopefully I can get on with the rest of the article!

Thanks for the input, Cochise --Cochise DCVI (talk) 10:47, 30 March 2020 (UTC)

P.S. Re: formatting. Can I change the 'F' in the article title to lower case? How? Can I suppress the extra line feed in a Heading 3? See the heading 'Helpful skills for skill farming'.