Sansha Forsaken Rally Point

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Site Details
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Sansha Forsaken Rallying Point is a combat anomaly found in Sansha's Nation infested low and null security regions. There exists Sansha Rally Point, Sansha Hidden Rally Point and Sansha Forlorn Rally Point variants of this site.


Ungated pocket with multiple waves of rats.


Sansha Rallying Point can escalate to Sansha Prison Camp.

Initial Group
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Centum Loyal Hellhound
Battleship 1 x Battleship Centus Plague Lord

Wave #1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Centii Loyal Manslayer/Centii Loyal Enslaver
Battleship 1 x Battleship Centus Plague Lord
Battleship 1 x Battleship Centus Beast Lord Tracking Disruptor

Wave #2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Centum Torturer/Centum Mutilator
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Cenus Overlord/Centus Dark Lord

Wave #3
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Centii loyal Ravener Stasis Webifier
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Centii loyal Servant
Battleship 2 x Battleship Centus Dread Lord/Centus Tyrant

Wave #4
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Centatis Specter/Centatis Phantasm
Battleship 4 x Battleship Centus Dark Lord/Centus Tyrant

Wave #5
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Centum Loyal Fiend/Centum Loyal Mutilator
Battleship 3 x Battleship Centus Dark Lord/Centus Tyrant