Trex Ameisoure

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Antagonism - Empty Cargo (1 of 4)

Mission briefing Well, well, what have we here? An eager puppy pilot all raring to go? Asking every stranger to be his friend. Tut, tut, did your mother never tell you not to talk to strangers, Kelon Darklight? But now that you're here, what to do with you? Ah, well, maybe you're not as green behind the ears as you seem. Might be I have something for you after all. You might not like it, but it's all I have at the moment.

What I'm talking about is a simple errand, so it shouldn't tax your skills too much. My friends at Egonics Inc. have come up with new tapes for the Latent Transmitter that I need to collect from them.

I can see you're curious about the transmitter, but what you don't know can't hurt you. Hm, I guess that's not exactly true, is it? Well, anyway, don't worry: I'll keep you all safe and tucked in. Run this errand for me and perhaps my opinion of you will rise above the level of "haughty indifference." Then I might allow you to sink your teeth into a juicier bone next time around.

This offer expires at 2020.09.16 04:19

Antagonism - Empty Cargo (1 of 4) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.8 Auberulle VIII - Moon 1 - Egonics Inc. Development Studio

		Drop-off Location	0.6 Parchanier	
		Cargo	1 x Latent Submission Tapes (0.1 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 300,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 30 minutes: 1,000 x Federation Navy Uranium Charge M

Antagonism - Sending a Message (2 of 4)

Mission briefing Perhaps on your long journey to Auberulle and back you spent the idle minutes wondering what a member of the Angel Cartel was doing here in Algintal? I asked that exact same question when our chief told me he was sending me here. What is there here in Algintal for the Cartel? We have no presence to speak of here and even less authority. The few Angels who frequent the area are loners and nuts, acting pretty much of their own accord.

Well, to put things bluntly, we want to usurp the stranglehold the Serpentis and Thukkers have on smuggling and other lucrative activities here on the Gallente side of the Federation/Republic borders. The Thukkers, those devious buggers, are putting the latent transmission technology of Egonics Inc. to good use, but I've managed to worm my way into the deal.

But while I'm engaged in political machinations with the Thukkers and Egonics, the Serpentis are running rampant. I need you to take them down a peck or two. One of their main areas of operation is over in the Skeleton Comet complex in Deltole. They wrenched the place from Federation hands some years ago and now consider it their own little haven. Hitting them there would send a clear message that there's a new player in the sandbox and that they'd better watch out.

To put it simply: Go over there, locate some Serpentis smugglers, and pop them. Return with the smuggler tags they drop to claim your reward ... and of course glowing praises from me.

This offer expires at 2020.09.16 04:19

Antagonism - Sending a Message (2 of 4) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	0.6 Ameisoure's Enyo in Parchanier.	
		Item	5 x Smuggler Tag (0.5 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x 'Hooligan' Heavy Ion Blaster I Blueprint (3 runs, copy, material level: 4, time efficiency: 4)

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 500,000 ISK