Krester Rupptofs

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Mission briefing You have some ship logs, eh? Could you hand them over, please?

This offer expires at 2020.09.16 06:50

Courier Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Rupptofs' Scythe in Deltole.	
		Item	3 x Ship logs (3.0 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 10,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 10 minutes: 10,000 ISK

The Forgery - Framed! (1 of 5)

Ah, they're from Angetyn. Excellent! Yes, I can doctor them for him. Not that I haven't done so many times in the past, mind you. But what to do with you? Angetyn only sends me pilots he thinks highly of, so let's see if you're as talented as he thinks.

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already... The Forgery - Framed! (1 of 5)

We try to keep our operation here at the Forgery under the radar, with a little bribery on the side to take care of over-zealous bureaucrats. Still, even if we're not exactly advertising our services we've established a rather formidable reputation in the underworld. We like to keep things as they are and sometimes we have to engage in some aggressive weed-killing to rid ourselves of unwanted baggage that can come back and haunt us later.

Which brings me to the job I want to offer you. A few months ago we entered an agreement with some local thugs here in Deltole. At the time we were anxious as to what the Serpentis druglords at the Skeleton Comet were up to, so we hired these guys to snoop around for us. Things went well for awhile, but now we have reason to believe the thugs have been playing both sides, offering their service to the Serpentis as well. That won't do, of course. We gave the thugs a ComLink encoder/decoder for secure communications. But what we didn't tell them was that the encoder also acts as a bug device. We only put it in their as a precaution, never intending to use it, but now we need to retrieve the encoder to confirm our believe that the thugs are two-faced bastards.

Get me that encoder so I can exact my punishment on them. I've already hatched a devious plan, if I say so myself, for framing those thugs and setting them up for the Serpentis to chew on. But first I need that encoder. The thugs have entrenched themselves deep inside the Skeleton Comet complex, acting as any other small time smuggling cartel. The encoder should be located in their Relay Station, so target that.

Note- Get a friend to help clear rats to get the object here as the room before is difficult to self clear.

The Forgery - Mark it for Market (2 of 5)

Mission briefing I'm glad you came along, Kelon Darklight. As you probably already know the arrival of the Wiyrkomi corporation in the constellation has stirred things up a bit. Tourism is way down and the authorities are unfairly blaming us smugglers. It's getting harder and harder to conduct any decent smuggle run and we have to be twice as careful. Not that it harms us here at the Forgery much, if anything it only makes our services even more sought after.

A Minmatar associate of mine needs to get a large quantity of high quality X-Instinct into Gallente space, but he's not willing to risk the Federation customs at times like these. That's were we come into the picture. I need a small favor from you. I ordered a large quantity of dolls, but they're sitting in a TranStellar Shipping warehouse over in Adiere. Are you willing to fetch them for me? It's a trivial assignment, I know, but I'm positively swamped at the moment, as you can well understand.

This offer expires at 2020.09.16 06:50

The Forgery - Mark it for Market (2 of 5) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.8 Adiere X - TransStellar Shipping Storage

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Deltole	
		Cargo	100 x Dolls (100.0 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x 'High Noon' Thermal Shield Amplifier Blueprint (3 runs, copy, material level: 6, time efficiency: 6)

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour: 500,000 ISK