Anou Dechien
The Break In Expert - Wiretap (1 of 3)
Mission briefing I've been hired by my Corp mate Krakan Rost for a certain job he's planning. Go talk to him for details, if you haven't already. Anyway, I need some help from you. I have here a wiretap device that I need to get into the local State and Region Bank station. The only problem is that I have a history with that particular branch of the bank and can't enter it myself. I'll pay you well for such a small job. Just take the plant I've hidden the wiretap in and place it anywhere in the bank. I will take it from there and tap into the surveillance mainframe.
This offer expires at 2020.10.25 19:13
The Break In Expert - Wiretap (1 of 3) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.5 Vahunomi
Drop-off Location 0.5 Vahunomi X - Moon 4 - State and Region Bank Vault Cargo 1 x Wiretap Plant (0.1 m³)
The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 100,000 ISK
Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 10 minutes: 40,000 ISK
Collateral Prior to accepting this mission, the following must be provided by you as collateral, to be returned to you upon successful completion of the mission:
20,000 ISK
The Break In Expert - Sabotage (2 of 3)
Mission briefing Thanks again for a job well done with the wiretap. It looks as if there's someone attempting to set up a surveillance fence around the bank. That fence would make my job very difficult. Whoever is doing this is too clever by far, he's using state of the art scanners called Barbed Wire Scanners that are very hard to tamper with.
I managed to break into the cargo manifest at the State War Academy station in Ishisomo and discovered that a bunch of these scanners are sitting there waiting to be shipped out here. I have an accomplice on the station, but he doesn't have the means to deal with them. I want to provide him with those means. Rost gave me a crate of dynamite he's not using and I want you to smuggle it into the State War Academy station. My accomplice there will then use it to sabotage the scanners, making it all look like an accident of course. We have to move quickly before the scanners are shipped out, so I'm enticing you with a nice bonus reward if you get there within 20 minutes.
This mission expires at 2020.10.25 19:18
The Break In Expert - Sabotage (2 of 3) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.5 Vahunomi
Drop-off Location 0.7 Ishisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War Academy Cargo 1 x Dynamite Crate (80.0 m³)
The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 150,000 ISK
Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 19 minutes: 100,000 ISK
Collateral Prior to accepting this mission, the following must be provided by you as collateral, to be returned to you upon successful completion of the mission:
30,000 ISK
The Break In Expert - Keychain (3 of 3)
Mission briefing I'm almost done with the job assigned to me. One last thing remains. A keychain to enter the outer security vault in the bank. I've been trying to get my hands on one for days now, but the personnel in the bank is on high alert. Thank Fate for human failings, though.
I have a friend that works in a brothel the Kazka bandits operate over in the contested complex in Sakkikainen. She contacted me earlier to let me know one of the assistant bank managers is indulging himself there now. I told her to get the hell out of there, because I would be bringing hellfire on the place in a short while. I need you to go into the Kazka complex, find the brothel and blow it up. The keychain is made from enforced Nocxium, so it will survive unscathed. Bring me the assistant's keychain to me and you'll get a great reward.
This offer expires at 2020.10.25 19:13
This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.
The Break In Expert - Keychain (3 of 3) Objectives Complete The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:
Drop-off Location 0.5 Dechien's Heron in Vahunomi. Item 1 x Assistant's Keychain (0.1 m³)
The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Small 'Wolf' Shield Extender Blueprint (3 runs, copy, material level: 4, time efficiency: 4)
Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour and 30 minutes: 100,000 ISK
It is located in in pocket 1 in the structure.