Krakan Rost

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The Bank Heist - Good To Go (1 of 5)

Mission briefing What have we here? You look like a pilot not overburdened with morals or ethics. I like that. In fact, I might have a bit of work for someone like you. I'm planning something big, nothing you need to know about right now. Let's say it's just something to help me in my retirement. But before I let you in on my little plan, I must make sure you really are made of stern stuff.

There's a band of pirates hanging out in the Sakkikainen system that have been causing me all kinds of grief. They go by the name Kazka. Seems some of them have similar ideas as I and I don't want some idiot to ruin my plan by jumping the gun. If you would go in there and bring a bit of devastation to them, it would take their minds off things they shouldn't be thinking about. Do this and then we can start talking real business.

This offer expires at 2020.10.25 19:15

The Bank Heist - Good To Go (1 of 5) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Rost's Ferox in Vahunomi.	
		Item	20 x Bandit Spur (2.0 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 400,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour and 30 minutes: 150,000 ISK

Spurs are collected from rats throughout the statics

The Bank Heist - Dynamite! (2 of 5)

Mission briefing You've proven yourself to be a tough fighter, kid. I like your style. Now onto business. Maybe you have guessed it already, but the target is the local bank vault. Simply put, I'm gonna pick that place clean. And I want you to help me. Do well and you'll get a healthy cut of the profit.

That bank vault is ripe for the taking, but it's actively bolstering its defenses as we speak, so we need to act fast. There's a crate of dynamite I've procured sitting on a station not far from here. I want you to pick it up, I plan on using it to blast my way into the security vault in the bank. It's a mundane task, I know. But I'm sure that if you keep your thoughts on all that gold that awaits us, you'll be back in a jiffy.

This offer expires at 2020.10.25 19:15

The Bank Heist - Dynamite! (2 of 5) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.6 Liekuri VII - Moon 22 - Expert Distribution Warehouse

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Vahunomi	
		Cargo	1 x Dynamite Crate (80.0 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 450,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 30 minutes: 150,000 ISK

Collateral Prior to accepting this mission, the following must be provided by you as collateral, to be returned to you upon successful completion of the mission:

	50,000 ISK

he Bank Heist - Hit List (3 of 5)

Mission briefing The planning for entering and leaving the bank is already well under way, but we're still left with finding the best targets once we're inside. I've been working on that while you've been away. I was getting rather frustrated in not finding anyone within the State and Region Bank that I could bribe. Then I got the bright idea of checking out some corporations associated with the bank. And wouldn't you know. I found this cash-strapped guy with the Caldari Funds Unlimited. It's an ideal match; he has all the information I need and I have all the money he craves.

I've already made all the arrangements with him, but the information he's giving us is too sensitive to send over the communication lines. I need someone to go and pick up that list and as you're still wearing your courier boots you're the best pilot for the job. To sweeten the deal a little I'll give you some Paradise Cruise Missiles as a reward. You can occupy yourself on the way by thinking of all those you'll want to blow up with them.

This offer expires at 2020.10.25 19:15

The Bank Heist - Hit List (3 of 5) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.6 Liekuri VII - Moon 1 - Caldari Funds Unlimited Depository

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Vahunomi	
		Cargo	1 x Safe-Deposit Box Owner List (0.1 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 100 x Mjolnir Cruise Missile

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 30 minutes: 100,000 ISK

Collateral Prior to accepting this mission, the following must be provided by you as collateral, to be returned to you upon successful completion of the mission:

	25,000 ISK