Ragot Parah

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Skirmish (1 of 2)

Mission briefing I'm not just angry, I'm bloody furious! I was just minding my own business in an asteroid field in MY-W1V, when an extra group of miners show up. I ignore them and continue mining my roid. Then one of them jams me and threatens to blow my ship up if I don't leave. Talk about being rude! And to top it off, they're from a rival Minmatar mining colony in 9HXQ-G.

What I need you to do first is warp to my asteroid field and take out the louts who stole it from me. When that's done, we'll take care of the pesky Minmatar mining colony.

This offer expires at 2020.10.18 02:36

Skirmish (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Destroy the Minmatar miners, then report back to your agent. Location -0.1 MY-W1V (Low Sec Warning!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Gas Cloud Harvester I

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 4 hours and 10 minutes: 5,000,000 ISK

Really? Thanks! I'll reward you well for your effort. What I need you to do first is warp to my asteroid field and take out the louts who stole it from me. When that's done, we'll take care of the pesky Minmatar mining colony.

Upon attacking a miner- [02:38:17] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Mining Escorter: Pirate alert! Let's get 'em!</color>

Mission flagged complete once all miners are dead

Miners drop assorted ores

Excellent. Now we must strike fast against their colony, or I might have to worry about reprisal attacks when I get back to work on the asteroid field.

Skirmish (2 of 2)

Mission briefing Ok, now it's time to finish the job we started. The expedition you faced in your last mission hails from a colony in AX-DOT, and they'll probably not be happy when they find out what happened to their colleagues. I want you to completely obliterate their outpost and any ships nearby, that way I can safely venture back to the asteroid field without worrying about reprisal attacks. This will also rid Fatimar Outpost of a long standing competitor, so we'll effectively be killing two flies in one blow.

Good luck.

This offer expires at 2020.10.18 02:36

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Skirmish (2 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Destroy the Minmatar Mining Station, then report back to your agent. Location -0.3 AX-DOT (Low Sec Warning!)

(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 3 hours and 54 minutes: 10,500,000 ISK

I knew I could count on you.

Upon attacking the station, a wave is triggered, this message appears in local - [03:02:52] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>As the station is attacked, fighters appear nearby, rushing to its defense.</color>

After hitting around 75% armor- [03:10:11] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>More fighters arrive to defend the station.</color>

On station destruction- [03:22:07] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>A cloud of gas and radioactive waste emits from the station as it is breaking apart.</color>

[03:22:14] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>The overseer and his guards finally arrive to protect the station, but it's too late! Moments before their arrival, two backup station sentries are deployed out of the burning station as it is breaking apart. The station maintenance crew managed to get them ready seconds before the station met its end.</color>

Station drops minor amoutsn of ore and t1 mining crystals

The commander drops Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-705 1 Republic Fleet Kinetic Coating 1

On turn in- Awesome job.