User:Louis Ricard

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Revision as of 14:37, 15 July 2022 by Louis Ricard (talk | contribs)
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About myself

Hi there, my ingame name is Louis. I'm a currently Mentor and participating in the CCI. When online I am mostly around Stacmon (mostly mining) or PC9 (mostly ratting or trying to fill my Killboard.

How to get in contact with me

The best ways to reach me are direct messages on Discord (Khorrok#5679), private messages through our Forums, or via in-game EVE mail.

Things yet to do

  • finish CCI
  • become a Graduate
  • command a pvp fleet (that's scary as hell for me!)

My history in E-Uni

Yet to come...

Ribbons I earned

Ribbon-Freshman.png 2022-02-19 Freshman - Hold the Freshman title in game.
Ribbon-Sophomore.png 2022-03-21 Sophomore - Hold the Sophomore title in game.
Ribbon-Close Call.png 2022-03-18 Close Call - Avoid destruction while your ship is on fire (has structure damage).
Ribbon-Revenge.png 2022-03-20 Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold - Get the killing blow on another ship while in a pod.
Ribbon-Poitot.png 2022-03-26 Postcard - Visit Poitot and ask someone else in local if they knew that Poitot is the only named system in the Syndicate region?
Ribbon-CCI-HSC.jpg 2022-03-16 CCI HSC - Completed all activity requirements for the Hi Sec Campus segment of CCI.
Ribbon-CCI-NSC.jpg 2022-04-30 CCI NSC - Completed all activity requirements for the Null-Sec Campus segment of CCI.