Minmatar Basic Ship and Skill Overview

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The Minmatar Basic Ship and Skill Guide is intended to give fitting and skill recommendations for Tech 1 Minmatar ships for Player vs. Environment (PvE) and Player vs. Player (PvP) encounters.

This is a work in progress, and the guide's Discussion Thread is on the Eve University forum. Please direct comments, suggestions, and corrections to that thread.

The fits listed here are suggestions. You can and should build on them rather than treating them as gospel. These fits -- especially the ones for ships smaller than battlecruisers -- tend to use T1 meta 0 modules for ease of reference, but upgrading them to named or T2 modules is in many cases a good idea if you can afford it.

Additional fittings can be found by entering the fitting menu and browsing 'Corporation Fittings'.

Rookie Ship

The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are Minmatar, it will be a Reaper. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.


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Frigates are the smallest of the ship classes in EVE. They are used mostly for level 1 missions or for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.


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[Burst, Basic Mining]



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[Slasher, PVP Tackle LR]


[Slasher, PVP Tackle SR]



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[Vigil, EWar]



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[Rifter, PvP Tackling]



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Destroyers are slightly larger and have more highslots than frigates but fit the same small-sized weapons. They're designed to slaughter frigates but be vulnerable to most other ships. They are often used in PvE for Level 1 missions, and as salvage ships.

Flying destroyers is not recommended for PvP Uni fleets. There are some exceptions, such as specialized hit & run fleets.


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[Thrasher, PvE Basic]


[Thrasher, PvP Basic]


[Thrasher, AB Salvager]




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[Scythe, PvE Hi-Sec Miner]



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[Bellicose, PvP Fleet Antifrigate]



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[Rupture, PvP Starter Rupture]


[Rupture, PvE T2 Shield]



When you begin to fly Minmatar battlecruisers it is a good idea to be training towards a Shield or Armor Full T2 Tank. (You will need a full T2 tank to fly battlecruisers in wartime PvP, if you're a uni pilot; whether or not you're in the uni, a T2 tank is helpful in PvE.) It is also wise to have basic Gunnery Support skills sorted out, and to be training towards T2 light and medium drones.


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[Hurricane, PvE Rain Kaessinde]


[Hurricane, PvP Shield Gank]



When you step into a battleship it's important to have solid support skills. A T2 tank is extremely helpful (and required to fly BSs in wartime Uni PvP fleets), while access to T2 light and medium drones will be useful, as they will be your main defence against targets too small for your large weapons.


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Ammunition, Range, and Kiting

You can read a detailed description of projectile turret ammunition here. Minmatar ships have the ability to control the type of damage they deal and therefore target their enemy's weaknesses. In PvE you can look up the damage type your enemy is weak to here and select the appropriate ammunition.

By default, close range (EMP, Fusion or Phased Plasma) ammo should be used for the best DPS. There is no close-range projectile ammo which does primarily kinetic damage, but the higher DPS of the short-ranged projectile ammunition types may compensate for this if you target their second-weakest resist. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (Titanium Sabot or Depleted Uranium) or long (Proton, Nuclear or Carbonized Lead) range ammo and fire from further away. See the dedicated Projectile Ammunition page for more advice.

Guns can suffer from tracking issues, so I would recommend using the 'keep at range' option instead of the 'orbit' option. With the amount of enemies in missions, orbiting is less likely to mitigate the total incoming damage from rats.

Projectile turrets are unusual in having very long falloff. This means that keeping within optimal range is not as essential for you as it is for pilots using lasers and hybrids. Autocannon have such short optimal ranges that you are more or less condemned to fight in falloff with them; with artillery you should probably aim to be at the edge of your optimal range. There's no need to be closer than that, and the more range you can keep at the less trouble your guns will have tracking the enemy.

To find out your optimal and falloff ranges with ammo, load ammo in your guns, then right click and show info. The optimal displayed in the attributes will be adjusted for ammo and skills.

Tech and Meta Levels

These fittings were made mostly using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules for frigates and cruisers, and meta 4 and Tech 2 for larger ships. In PvP, frigates and cruisers are often not worth fitting expensive modules on for low skill point or inexperienced pilots. Tech 1 Meta 0 modules are provided freely by the university. Once pilots have the skill points, a certain amount of combat experience, and enough ISK to replace bigger ships, they should consider moving to a battlecruiser wit T2 fittings.

Pilots without T2 guns fitting a BC for PvP should probably avoid the overpriced meta 3 and 4 guns. Some of the meta 3 and 4 medium guns are reasonably priced, but many are not, and will only make your ship into a loot Piñata for the enemy when it is destroyed, for very little increase in effective dps. It is strongly recommended to get T2 guns before getting into BC, BS, or any T2 damage dealing ships.

Higher Meta items up to meta 4 will often be easier to fit. Tech 2 is Meta 5, and usually harder to fit. Meta 3 and 4 are expensive, often more expensive than Tech 2. Meta 1 and 2 modules will often be less expensive than Meta 0, due to low demand and high supply on the market.


Small drones should be used against frigate and destroyer sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser and battlecruiser sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship sized enemies.

Avoid Amarr drones: due to their low damage multiplier, they are useless even against enemies who's lowest resistance is EM damage. Gallente drones have the highest damage multiplier, and thermal damage is the best or second best damage to deal against most rat types. For level 1 to 3 missions, Gallente drones are fine to use exclusively, although switching drones will make more efficient runs. In level 4 missions, it is strongly recommended to always fit the best drone types to match rat weaknesses.

See Drones and Using Drones for more advice on drone selection and deployment.

Tank & Gank

Different rat (NPC pirates) factions have different damage type resistances, and deal different damage types.

Drones and hardeners should be switched around based on rat types.

Damage type resistance and dealt by rats can be found in the NPC Damage Types article.

Mission-specific damage profiles can be found on Eve Survival.

All EHP in this guide is from EFT calculations, not in-game EHP.

Salvaging After Missions

Salvaging boats, most commonly destroyers, are usually used to clean up rooms after missions are complete. To do so, make sure you bookmark one wreck for each room in the mission, since the acceleration gates will disappear after the mission has be turned in at the agent. Once the mission is turned in, the MWD can be used to propel the salvaging boat within tractor range faster.

For Level 4 missions, many players switch from a destroyer to a battlecruiser because they have lots of high slots, like destroyers, but bigger cargo holds. The Hurricane is a popular L4 salvaging ship because it is fast and agile (for a BC), has eight high slots for salvagers and tractor beams and six low slots for expanded cargohold modules (which aren't subject to stacking penalties).

Related Links

Eve University Forum

The Eve University ship loadout forums should be the first place for new players to look for fits and ask for advice. The Uni forum is restricted to Eve University members and alumni.


  • Support Skills Training support skills is the first step in flying a ship well. Read up on support skills here.
  • Full T2 Tank Having a full T2 tank is a requirement for many ships during wartime in the Uni. If you fly anything other than a T1 frigate, destroyer, or cruiser, make sure you have the required skills and recommended support skills for the type of tank you use.
  • Creating an Alt Hauler Having an alt hauler can be essential to be able to make shopping trips during wartime.
  • For information on Tech 2 ships, for all races, follow the Ships link in the Categories list below

UniWiki - Racial Fitting Guides

These are all works in progress, some are further along than others.

Other Web Sites

  • Scrapheap Challenge This site has both PvP and PvE forums. Some threads are quite old and the discussions can be outdated in the earlier posts. Scrapheap is often a very good place for experienced pilots to find fittings, and many threads will also have tactic discussions on how to use them.