Meta-zero Mayhem

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Meta-zero Mayhem

Meta-zero Mayhem is a regular in-corp PvP event. As the name suggests, only tier 1 meta zero modules are used. Most Meta-zero Mayhem events use a team format, to encourage small fleet tactics.


Meta-zero Mayhem was started in 2011 by Debir Achen, as a noob friendly PvP event catering to the Western Pacific timezone. As of April 2012, over 15 events have been held, with attendance ranging from 10 to 30 pilots.

Upcoming Meta-zero Mayhem events are advertised on the Events forum and in-game calendar.

Standard rules

These are the standard rules for Meta-zero Mayhem events. A particular event may modify some or all of these rules.


Pilots participating or spectating should join the "Meta-zero Mayhem" channel in-game and the "Admin and Spectator" channel in Mumble. Pilots are encouraged to form their own fleet channels in Mumble during the event. Official comms will be broadcast via in-game chat and Mumble. Pilots and spectators may talk freely in any appropriate chat as long as they do not interfere with others.

Rules of Engagement


Most battles take place in an Arena, the centre of which is designated by an anchored secure cargo container. Anyone leaving the arena is considered to have resigned and is disqualified. The referee may choose to be less than strict about this in case of accidents.

A "spectator can" will be placed outside the arena. All non-participants should assemble at this can.

Should a stalemate situation arise, the referee may choose to shrink the arena. All pilots have 1 minute to move within the new boundaries or be disqualified.

Combat Operations

  • Pilots may tac-warp within the arena. Pilots may not leave the arena by warping (or any other means) unless they intend to resign from the engagement.
  • Pilots may drop cans to use as warp-in points. Pilots may pop cans and wrecks to prevent their use as warp-in points. Pilots may not deploy or target secure containers.
  • Pilots must not shoot at pods, nor any ship not designated as a legal target. To avoid confusion, spectators must not be in ships that count as legal targets.
  • Unless re-shipping is allowed, any pilot whose ship is destroyed immediately becomes a spectator and must make best speed out of the arena. Eliminated pilots may go directly to the spectator can, or may re-ship first.

Starting a Combat

To start the combat, the team anchor may warp to the arena can at any distance of their choosing. The rest of the team must warp to the anchor at 0. Upon entering the arena, pilots must stop moving and may not move or lock any target, deploy cans, launch drones, or activate any offensive module or module that can directly affect another ship until the command to "go" is given.

It is poor sportsmanship to create tac bookmarks before an event. If an event has multiple rounds, wrecks and bookmarks from previous rounds will be left on the field and may be used in subsequent rounds.


Most meta-zero mayhem events are designated as team events. Pilots are not required to field a full team to enter. Experienced pilots are encouraged to team up with less experienced pilots. If appropriate, teams may be changed between rounds.

Due to CONCORD restrictions, only pilots who are current members of the EVE University corporation may participate. Any pilot who is not -10 to EVE University is welcome to watch, and join the relevant channels.

Pilots in a team may (and should) fleet up together. There is no "event fleet".

Forming Teams

The best way to form a team is prior to the event. Event announcement threads may be used to form teams and register teams. Pre-formed teams need only X up in the event chat to register.

Pilots who are not in a team, or teams that are missing pilots, may use event chat to find teams before the event.

Registration usually opens half an hour to an hour before the event starts to allow pilots to form teams, obtain last-minute fittings from the corp hangars, and ask questions.


Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the event organiser and any third parties who volunteer to contribute.


  • (Day, Date, Month)
  • (Time, Plus Event Duration Estimate)
  • (Form up Location)


  • Mumble
  • Be in (Form Up Location) at the start of the operation.


  • Ships: Only tech 1, meta zero, and non-faction hulls are allowed. The specific hulls and team composition varies from event to event. Re-shipping is usually not allowed within a round.
  • Modules: Only tech 1, meta zero modules are allowed. As a general guideline, if it is a standard item in the corp hangars at HQ, it's fine for meta zero mayhem.

Not Permitted

The following are specifically not permitted:

  • Any named, tech 2, faction or better item, ship, ammunition, deployable or drone
  • Cloaks
  • Smartbombs
  • Rigs
  • Nanite repair paste


  • Cloaks are not allowed because they make for boring battles; they encourage people not to participate
  • Smartbombs are a risk to pods, and for accidentally provoking CONCORD
  • Rigs and nanite repair paste are expensive and favour higher-skilled characters