Talk:Distress Beacon

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Revision as of 13:02, 8 February 2024 by Seamus Donohue (talk | contribs) (Observations from today's fleet.)
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Spanky Ikkala and I were just testing this site, today. We didn't have enough people for a Vanguard fleet, and there were TWO "kill 25 noncapsuleer" Daily Goals, today. Ikkala was flying 1 Vargur and I was dualboxing 2 Vargurs.

The Eystur Rhombii don't seem to count for trigger purposes, so the last non-Eystur killed spawns the next wave.

If a wave includes 3 Mara Paleos, then 3 Vargurs all in Bastion are JUST BARELY able to kill them despite their remote shield boosting. Mara Paleos might need to be moved up the target priority order.

5 light drones were sufficient to kill the close-range Sansha frigates. Drones didn't seem to get aggro at any point.

Site paid out about 3.4 million ISK per person. I forgot to time how long it took to complete.

--Seamus Donohue (talk) 13:02, 8 February 2024 (UTC)