User:Thaddeus Kastelanski

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Thaddeus Kastelanski

Returned to EVE and E-UNI's NSC after a long hiatus. Likely to be found contributing to NSC intel channels, roaming into neighboring Nullsec regions, tinkering with the wiki, or juggling one a few PvE alts. Enjoys spreadsheets and automating things.

Recent Activity
Edits Kills and Deaths
Wiki Contributions zKillboard

Related Pages

  • Draft article(s) might be found here if any are under development
  • Personal sandbox page




Date Type Description
2014/11/01 Ribbon Ribbon-WSpace.png Into the Unknown - Scout and DPS for Operation GriefSeed
2014 Ribbon Ribbon-Freshman.png Freshman - Obtained Freshman title
2022 Ribbon Ribbon-Sophomore.png Sophomore - Obtained Sophomore title

Wiki Priorities

Notable Activity

Date Type Description
2022/06-2024/05 NA Hiatus
2022/06/12 PvP Played cat and mouse with a few different CovOps visitors in the NSC pocket. No luck catching any of them, which is convincing me to get some practice in with an Interdictor.
2022/06/10 PvP Ventured deep into regions around Syndicate in an attempt to lose an Interceptor, but it was too quiet and nothing stirred up in response.
2022/06/04 PvP Happened to be online as Uryence's planned AAF fleet formed up in PC9, so I pulled an Enyo out of contracts and joined up. Glad I did, the fleet was a blast (AAR).
2022/06/01 PvP Joined a last-minute gatecamp for a usual suspect in PC9. We didn't get him, and I found out the hard way what happens when you have a gate timer around rats while bubbled without a propulsion module.
2022/05/30 PvP Made it to Stacmon in time for the Golden Horde fleet and roam into Lowsec. We got a few kills before welping to a Gnosis that split us across a gate. 10/10 great fun, would do it again! Link to AAR
2022/05/29 PvE Formed up for a Serpentis Dreadnaught in the back pocket, but a small gang logged in just as some of our Vexors were moving through. Reduced numbers and a late night scrubbed the formup. Lesson learned: Watch intel more closely and call it out loud.
2022/05/29 PvP Took a long detour into Outer Ring and stirred up a response when I poked at a mining op. No casualties, but learned a bit about the usual crowd operating in the region.
2022/05/28 PvE Catching up on a bit of PI* after a two week vacation. Used the NSC loot sheet for the first time! Also, deduced that two neutrals disappearing in the back pocket were likely rolling a wormhole, after catching a glimpse that they were part of No Vacancies.
2022/05/10 PvP One of the familiar roaming gangs made its daily visit to PC9 and the back pocket. We set up a small gatecamp but they opted to log out, rather than respond.
2022/05/08 PvP Joined a short notice shield bash (Hyperkitten!) against a fresh E-UNI war target in high-sec
2022/05/06 PvP Short notice structure defense fleet for an allied Athanor in the back pocket. Offending gang never showed up for the timer, but I got to dust off a Longbow fit. Cloaky eyes were provided and the Athanor now has a handful of tacs.* Many thanks to Uryence for running the fleet.
2022/05/06 PvE Dodging a roaming gang to update some PI resources.* Also this:
Blakk Brant > Thaddeus Kastelanski can I hit you with firework
2022/05/04 PvP Sneaky Hecate was pestering PvE alts in the PC9 pocket. After a few tries, we managed to pin him down on the T22 gate - I provided webs and scram.
2022/05/03 PvP Small, quick response to some regular visitors to PC9 pocket with Mongo and Thoshiro. Left some drones on gate and forgot the CTRL+Space shortcut - silly mistakes but no price to pay since our friends never came out.
2022/04/26 PvP Short visit from Ignotis Imperium in the NSC pocket; lost a tackle early on, but reshipped and returned in time to be ISK-positive
2022/04 NA Rejoined EVE & EVE University!

*Featuring alt character

Bucket List

No one is actually dying - this is just for fun :)

  • Visit the EVE gate
  • Visit all of Syndicate
  • Die in every region
  • Teach at least one class
  • Make a sandwich (T2 ship) from scratch
  • Get involved in the wiki


To Arin Mara for the idea to track activity for titles on this page!