Thukker Agency - Assistance Appreciated (1 of 4)

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Level 2
Type Trade
Objective Acquire 25x Oxygen (5 m3)
Rewards 110000 ISK + 110000 ISK (15 minutes for bonus)
Mission briefing
Perhaps you have heard about what goes on here? If you have, then take some friendly advice and keep it a secret; it's for your own good. If you haven't heard about what we do here, then I suppose you're no threat to us. Anyway, I suppose you're here for work. Well, that´s good ― working is what we do. This operation flourished before the Republic started meddling in our business. Of course, they have no idea we work for Thukker ... and if they did we would be in big trouble.

Now, on to your first task. To maintain the integrity and security of our laboratories, we have a constant need for antibiotics. Find me some, and I will give you another task.