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Scripts are items that can be loaded in certain modules to change the performance of that module. They usually boost one attribute/ability of the module at the cost of another attribute/ability.

For example, a Tracking Computer without a script loaded grants a 10% bonus to tracking and a 5% bonus to range.

  • With an optimal range script loaded, the bonus would be 0% to tracking and 10% to range.
  • With a tracking speed script loaded, the bonus would be 20% to tracking and 0% to range.

Scripts are equipped and swapped using the same controls as weapon ammunition but they are not consumed upon activation, and they can be swapped out instantly, unlike missiles, projectile ammunition and hybrid turret charges.

Non-ewar scripts

These scripts are for non-ewar modules. For the mechanics affected, see scan resolution, missile mechanics, and turret damage

Tracking Computer/Remote Tracking Computer/Omnidirectional Tracking Link

These scripts can be loaded into a Tracking Computer, Remote Tracking Computer, or Omnidirectional Tracking Link module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one type of bonus while removing the other.

Script Icon target range.png Icon falloff mod.png Icon tracking.png
Optimal Range Script x2 x2 x0
Tracking Speed Script x0 x0 x2

Sensor Booster/Remote Sensor Booster

These scripts can be loaded into a Sensor Booster or Remote Sensor Booster module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one bonus while removing the others.

Script Icon ship sig.png Icon target max.png Icon target range.png
ECCM Script x0 x2 x0
Scan Resolution Script x2 x0 x0
Targeting Range Script x0 x0 x2

Missile Guidance Computer

These scripts can be loaded into a Missile Guidance Computer module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one type of bonus while removing the others.

Script Icon ship sig.png Icon velocity.png Icon align time.png Icon target range.png
Missile Precision Script x2 x2 x0 x0
Missile Range Script x0 x0 x2 x2

Ewar scripts

These are scripts for EWAR modules. For the mechanics affected, see electronic warfare.

Tracking Disruptor

These scripts can be loaded into a Tracking Disruptor module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one type of bonus while removing the other.

Script Icon target range.png Icon falloff mod.png Icon tracking.png
Optimal Range Disruption Script x2 x2 x0
Tracking Speed Disruption Script x0 x0 x2

Remote Sensor Dampener

These scripts can be loaded into a Remote Sensor Dampener module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one bonus while removing the others.

Script Icon ship sig.png Icon target range.png
Scan Resolution Dampening Script x2 x0
Targeting Range Dampening Script x0 x2

Missile Disruptor Computer

These scripts can be loaded into a Missile Guidance Computer module to change the nature of its bonuses. They double one type of bonus while removing the others.

Script Icon ship sig.png Icon velocity.png Icon align time.png Icon target range.png
Missile Precision Disruption Script x2 x2 x0 x0
Missile Range Disruption Script x0 x0 x2 x2

Other scripts

Warp Disruptor Field Generator

The Warp Disruptor Field Generator normally produces an interdiction bubble centered on the Heavy Interdiction Cruiser that activates it. However, when scripted with the Focused Warp Disruption Script, it loses its area of effect and gains the ability to warp scramble ships that are normally immune to electronic warfare, such as Titans and Supercarriers.

Capital Flex Armor Hardener

The Capital Flex Armor Hardener normally provides a small bonus to all armor resistances, but can be scripted to triple one resistance bonus while dropping the other three.

Capital Flex Shield Hardener

The Capital Flex Shield Hardener normally provides a small bonus to all shield resistances, but can be scripted to triple one resistance bonus while dropping the other three.

Standup Variable Spectrum ECM

The Standup Variable Spectrum ECM is an ECM module that can be fitted to Citadels. It can be scripted to double its jamming strength against one scanner type while halving its strength on the other three.