Perfect Refine List

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Template:Member Services

University Service

The Uni now offers a refining service to new miners. To make use of the service, follow these steps:

NOTICE: This service is only offered at Aldrat IX - Moon 13 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve. This is NOT at HQ.

Step 1: In your own hangar, name a container in the following way - "Your Name", for example "Azmodeus Valar". Store the ore you would like refined in that container. After depositing the ore or modules into the container, drag the container from your hangar into the "Industry" corporate hangar. (in Aldrat IX - Moon 13 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve) WARNING: Once you place something in the "Industry" hangar, you cannot get it back. Make sure the ore is in your container, and you wish to have it refined before dragging the container to the hangar.

Step 2: Send a forum message to Azmodeus Valar alerting him that you dropped a container in the hangar. Valar will refine the ore and modules (perfect refine, no tax) and return it to you.

It can take between 24 and 72 hours before the ore and modules are refined and returned to you. Please try to build up a little stock before using this service, instead of putting ORE in the hangar every day. Thank you.

Player Service

Current as of 09 Feb 2011

Cherry Ride

Back in business on a daily basis

Ore refining: all 6 high sec ores (Veld to Kernite)

In or near Adrat.

Caldari Business Tribunal

Minmatar Mining Corporation

Comments: Quantity and amount are not important. I will log in daily, sometimes multiple times a day to check for contracts. Set all contracts for 14 days. It costs nothing extra and ensures there is adequate time for all involved. NOTE: Be certain your ore is in a CBT or MMC station with 50% refinery equipment. NOTE: I do ask that you include 10K isk with your contract. This is simply to pay the return contract fee. Cherry is a station Queen and has no income. You do NOT have to be a uni member to use my service.

Kaldor Mintat

Perfect refine in veldspar, scordite, plagioclase, pyroxeres, omber, kernite, jaspet, hemorphite.

Taxfree refine with:

Caldari Business Tribunal Caldari Navy Chief Executive Panel Echelon Entertainment Expert Distribution Expert Housing Hyasyoda Corporation Internal Security Lai Dai Sisters Of Eve Spacelane Patrol.

Contract in decent amounts and not too often please.

Adanze Dragonheart

Perfect refine for all ores and ice. Scrapmetal reprocessing

Zero tax at any 50% base refine Republic University station in high-sec Metropolis or Heimatar. Nakugard is the most convenient system. Pator Tech School, best locations for me are Aldrat and Olbra

Viperous Stark

I can perform Perfect Refine for the following Ice & Ore types:

Ore: Arkonor, Bistot, Crokite, Dark Ochre, Gneiss, Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Jaspet, Kernite, Omber, Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar

Ice: White Glaze, Glacial Mass, Blue Ice, Clear Icicle

Factions I Can Perform Perfect Refine at: Minmitar Mining Corporation

Note: I work out of Aldrat and its surronding systems, so please try to have the ore in an MMC within a couple jumps of Aldrat. If for some reason this not possible send me an EveMail and if I have free time I may be able to help you transport it.

Cecilia Gazardiel

I have perfect refine for all ore (high, low and nullsec) and ice as well as able to reprocess modules perfectly for any station belonging to Caldari Business Tribunal and Minmatar Mining Corporation.

I prefer to stay close to Aldrat, so no more than 2-3 jumps away.


All hisec ores (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite), as well as Jaspet and Hemorphite. Working on lowsec ores, scrapmetal, and ice, so will update this as they become available.

Can refine in any hisec MMC station within 5 jumps of Aldrat.

Sander Kael

Updated 25th september 2011

Perfect refine: all ores + ice. Perfect reproccessing.

Taxfree with:

Caldari Business Tribunal, Expert Distribution, Expert Housing, Sisters Of Eve, Internal Security, University Of Caille, Minmatar Mining Corporation, Fedmart, Center Of Advanced Studies, Duvolle Laboratories, Spacelane Patrol, Hyasyoda Corporation

Cato Minor

Offering a perfect, tax free refine for corp members at MMC stations with 50% refineries. Can refine all ores found in high security space (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite).

Please accompany contracted ore with a mail to ensure that I notice your request, and if possible, contract the ore to a station within a reasonable distance of Aldrat.


Perfect refine on Hisec ores (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite) and Dark Ochre, Gneiss, Hedbergite, Hemophrite and Jaspet.

Taxfree with MMC and RSS.

Available in highsec near Aldrat and Pator. Please chase your contract with an Evemail and give up to a week of time.

Sashi Yatar

Perfect refine on all ore and ice.  Perfect reproccessing for modules.

Taxfree with:

Minmatar Space: Minmatar Mining Corporation

Caldari Space: Home Guard, Lai Dai Corporation, Mercantile Club, Caldari Provisions, Kaalakiota Corporation

Amarr Space: Ammatar Fleet

Please send an eve-mail along with at least a 1 week contract. If possible try to have ore in a station above near either Aldrat or Jita. (If Caldari space please send EVE mail first and wait for response as I will have to clone jump)

Walt Maisir

Perfect refine for all ores and modules at any MMC station, boundless creation (hek) and Brutor tribe (rens)

Tarn Ellecon

Perfect Tax in all MMC and PTS stations. Perfect Refine for Everything except Ice. 99.5% yield for ice.

Instructions: Eve mail me and contract it out for at least a week in an MMC or PTS 50% yield station, tell me if you want your scrap ore. Please keep it near Aldrat, within 10 jumps .5 and above. I'll Eve mail you and contract it back out. I'm on almost everyday so there should be no long delay. Tips are warmly received (return contract is 10000isk but if you can't afford it I'll do it anyway, but seriously don't be that cheap).

Cadune Amilion

Last Updated: 18th September 2011

I am able to perfect refine (zero tax, zero unrecoverable) with; - Aldrat - Pator Tech School, MMC

the following ores; - Veldspar, Scordite, Omber, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase

Send me an in game mail and contract with a 1 week duration. Once done, I'll contract it back to you. I'm online almost every day so turn around times should be quick. Tips welcome but please include 10,000 isk to cover the cost of the return contract.